dr pain creepypasta

Dr pain creepypasta

I have always wondered what it would be like to stare evil eye-to-eye as equals. To sit across a table from and break bread with it.

Bio: Pain was born as a half demon and half human, his biologic father is zalgo. Pain was sent to orphanage when he was just two weeks old. After some weeks a family adopted him, and when liran grew up a little his family began to torture him physically and mentally. His adoptive mother was nice to him, unlike his adoptive father and his family, bullies in the school that were always beat him up. Only When liran was 13 years old he fought the bullies and almost kill them, which caused him to get into an institution, that was the first time he heard the demon inside of him.

Dr pain creepypasta

Welcome dear viewer curator wonder here! There has been some talk on the commander pain and we have officially decided to ban that character! There are many reason why and in this post i will list most of them! Before we head into this post, this post contains talks about N zis and world war 2 if you feel any discomfort in that topic do not read more! Just know that this character has been officially banned from this community. Now as for the character itself. This character is a experimental doctor from world war 2 and has a lot of backstory behind him. He has experimented on people but mostly on kids as his fetish for kids has grown. The experiments itself were not kind and are really gory. We were not sure how to deal with this character as art is art but since world war 2 is a very dark and sensitive topic and this character is a n zi doctor we have come to a conclusion it will become troubling for a lot of members! N zi symbols or any talk about world war 2 is mostly prohibited in this community so be aware. Although we have banned Offenderman dont treat his ban the same as doctor pain. We will NOT allow any profile pictures, post or any roleplay that includes this character! If you are not aware of who the n zis were and are confused why this character is getting banned, which your school should educate you about. It was a faschist party that rose around s and was completely abolished in

The guards picked me up, and hauled me off as my hysterical laughter bounced off the walls. The family huddled together in silent conference. This caught my attention.

Copyright Statement: Unless explicitly stated, all stories published on Creepypasta. Your email address will not be published. Skip to content Advertisement. Please wait Leave a Reply Cancel reply Your email address will not be published. We use cookies on our website to give you the most relevant experience by remembering your preferences and repeat visits. Manage consent.

I stare at the corpse in the mirror. How desperately the dry, clay-colored skin clings to its skull. How narrow its tired eyes are, weighed down by the dark satchels hanging from them. How many broken vessels I could count beneath its sullen cheeks. A nebula of spider veins. A paint-splattered canvas. Children do not want to see this. I think about insomnia, and how many dreams it has kept me from lately.

Dr pain creepypasta

Experimentation has always been for the benefit of mankind, even if it has not always yielded such fruit. For every smallpox vaccine we create…we get an atomic bomb. The case is no different here. I, Dr. I worked on it for over ten years. I worked closely with many esteemed scientists…but none more so than Professor Stoker. The man was smart enough to equate circles around me, and I graduated Harvard at seventeen. Working with him was the highlight of my academic, professional, and personal lives!

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But, she was calm when she told the story. We use cookies on our website to give you the most relevant experience by remembering your preferences and repeat visits. Where he finally met a real two friends, but one was out of the institution 2 months after the pain came, and one was killed by a bully. They were, obviously, wondering that very thing. Any cookies that may not be particularly necessary for the website to function and is used specifically to collect user personal data via analytics, ads, other embedded contents are termed as non-necessary cookies. Skip to content Advertisement. Welcome dear viewer curator wonder here! I recall hearing a story once of an Israeli judge who, upon hearing the testimony of a Holocaust survivor, was intensely skeptical. Only When liran was 13 years old he fought the bullies and almost kill them, which caused him to get into an institution, that was the first time he heard the demon inside of him. That was fine with me.

Unlike regular doctors who try to save their patients' lives, Dr.

Because, truly, there was no one else to do so. One hour, supervised, and after that I would stop pestering the CIA permanently. A high-pitched whine sounded throughout the building, and lights began flashing. We both know what you really want to ask. There was no point in making plans which they had no hope of implementing. After a tearful minute of unimaginable contemplation she had picked her father. Story Content. The regime killed about 6 million jews also known as the Holocaust and experimented horrible things on them which this character is trying to represent on how the doctors were back then. This sort of experiment has been, understandably, frowned upon, but we need not be bound by morality here. With wide eyes, and an animalistic scream, I drove the blade through his chest, and then through his torso twelve more times. There was only one way to find out. Whatever it took to see Sayyid and look him eye-to-eye. Could this truly be the man who perpetrated such inhuman and disturbing atrocities? More from MCPA.

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