Dragon nest silver hunter skill build
I had a lot of fun playing this class. I will not talk about DPS ranking in this guide because that changes every month.
I'm making a guide about Silver Hunter, so let's go. We love Ignoring Mechs don't hurt me Joorji. Decent dmg but that's about it to be honest. Drop down if needed and rebuff. It might also be difficult to hit depending on the boss size. Aside from that, the ground version can have a little tumble to it depending on your input with pressing A,S or D.
Dragon nest silver hunter skill build
Login or Sign Up. Logging in Remember me. Log in. Forgot password or user name? Silver Hunter Skill Build. Posts Latest Activity Photos. Page of 1. Filtered by:. Previous template Next. Hey guys, can any of you that plays silver hunter or main it show me your skill build for lvl 95?
Most important thing is again rebuff when needed. Jump… is simply jump, the easiest way to get in air.
Login or Sign Up. Logging in Remember me. Log in. Forgot password or user name? Silver Hunter PvE guide by Ryne.
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Dragon nest silver hunter skill build
This guide to the Black Mara class includes the skill build, crests, iframes, tips and tricks, and rotation provided by Joorji If you have any questions regarding this guide, please ask in the official Project Duck Discord server. If you're interested in learning about other classes, we have a Class Guide Archive! Black Mara is an extremely flexible class that has a lot of skill expression with mobility and animation cancels.
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Just use the 6 skills that could be cast in air. Never use the ground version tbh. This skill sequence generates the most secure lift. Also it doesn't have any CD seal, if you are not used to SH, you may feel disorder and lose air-bourn unintentionally or can't perform main combo as often as u should be. Leave a comment Cancel reply. I highly recommend to learn "Moon kick" for immediately land on-ground and help keeping your rhythm. If you are not aware, FD is another damage multiplier in game. Invincible during the whole skill animation. CD: 11s 5. Silver Hunter has a special page for character creation like Dark Avenger 2. Give 0.
Enter an aiming stance after cast. Shoot an arrow shower to the area in front of you, left click to shoot a large holy arrow after that. Only advantage that she has is ability to avoid stomp. SH Players would usually save Moment Evasion to block mechs. We simply have to land and take off again. D: A flashbang with decent dmg but also not worth using. Because when you use too close to some boss with weird hit box, it'll pass through and scatter inside floor ground and only few tracking arrows can come out or even make zero dmg. Falcon Strike and Falcon Rise are passive skills that will automatically cast by your falcon. Posts Latest Activity Photos. This forum so weird to me i dont see where to reply to your comment nvLite so ill just post it here xd maybe because im on phone right now. Using that kind of rotation is easy way to play but make SH under-rate in dps. Most players do not use this skill because a SH usually spend most of her time flying and would not spend time on placing traps. Never use the ground version tbh. I want to get the response right so if you have any queries after this, do not hesitate to revert.
Also that we would do without your brilliant idea