ds2 dragonslayer axe

Ds2 dragonslayer axe

The beloved black axe of the gallant Shieldless Lothian, formerly of Forossa. No warrior matched the ferocity of unbeatable Lothian, but he abruptly retired from the battlefield and was never heard from again. Some say that he grew tired of the frailty of human foes, ds2 dragonslayer axe, and set off to slay the legendary dragon.

Log In Sign Up. What do you need help on? Cancel X. Topic Archived Page 1 of 2 Last. Sign Up for free or Log In if you already have an account to be able to post messages, change how messages are displayed, and view media in posts. Boards Dark Souls II dragon slayers crescent axe.

Ds2 dragonslayer axe

In-Game Description. The corpse is located on the path to the Shrine of Winter , behind a non-respawning Flexile Sentry. The Dragonslayer's Crescent Axe is an adaptable weapon, as it has good base damage for its attack speed and will perform well both with and without infusions. It's a good choice for players looking for a good elemental Strength weapon as it can deal high physical damage along with a respectable amount of lightning damage, even if the player has low Faith. This, combined with the Axe's straightforward moveset , makes for an excellent weapon that will prove useful in most situations. Lightning is generally the most effective infusion for this weapon. As with most lightning weapons, the player can also use Gold Pine Resin or the Sunlight Blade miracle to drastically increase the weapon's damage output. Dark Souls Wiki Explore. Dark Souls. Weapons Weapon Types.

Something does not work as expected? Explore Wikis Community Central. It dictates how much damage the weapon mitigates while blocking.

Log In Sign Up. What do you need help on? Cancel X. Topic Archived Page 1 of 2 Last. Sign Up for free or Log In if you already have an account to be able to post messages, change how messages are displayed, and view media in posts. BakusaiTenketsu 8 years ago 1.

Battle Axe is a weapon in Dark Souls 2. Battle Axe is a classic and reliable choice for straightforward combat. It's not too heavy, does decent physical and fire damage, and can handle itself well in a fight. Great for those who want a no-nonsense weapon. An axe crafted for battle. Axes generally deal more damage than swords, but each swing leaves its wielder vulnerable. One is tempted to swing axes with wild abandon, but in fact their effective manipulation demands caution and precise timing. Youtube relevant videos: Links only please, no embeds, no PvP videos. Please see the Upgrades page for details on Upgrade paths, ore and blacksmiths. You can see the Stats page for detailed explanations on what they do.

Ds2 dragonslayer axe

In-Game Description. The corpse is located on the path to the Shrine of Winter , behind a non-respawning Flexile Sentry. The Dragonslayer's Crescent Axe is an adaptable weapon, as it has good base damage for its attack speed and will perform well both with and without infusions. It's a good choice for players looking for a good elemental Strength weapon as it can deal high physical damage along with a respectable amount of lightning damage, even if the player has low Faith. This, combined with the Axe's straightforward moveset , makes for an excellent weapon that will prove useful in most situations. Lightning is generally the most effective infusion for this weapon. As with most lightning weapons, the player can also use Gold Pine Resin or the Sunlight Blade miracle to drastically increase the weapon's damage output. Dark Souls Wiki Explore.

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I don't get this thing. No warrior matched the ferocity of unbeatable Lothian, but he abruptly retired from the battlefield and was never heard from again. Find out what you can do. Durability: The weapon's HP, when the durability hits 0, the effectiveness of its attacks become weakened to the point of almost uselessness. Required in Build: Link to build. Thanks in advance. Notify administrators if there is objectionable content in this page. What's not to love? MCC 8 years ago 7 Darksouls posted How do you unlock the door to the Salamander Cave?

Dragonslayer's Crescent Axe is a weapon in Dark Souls 2. Dragonslayer's Crescent Axe has lightning damage, making it powerful against various enemies.

Dragonslayer's Spear , be better weapons overall compared to Twinkling Titanite weapons? Ok this axe is an absolute beast. Topic Archived Page 1 of 2 Last. It looks great and is a good early game strength weapon, also its pretty fast for an axe and has solid reach. Taking a phys weapon infused with fire and buffed will lightning will be a diverse tool which will also throw people off in PVP against people who stack defense rings and burrs. Need help with Rhoy. Sign In Help Sign Out. Guard Break. ChuckiePIgs 9 years ago 5 I do pretty well with it. The Dragonslayer's Crescent Axe is an adaptable weapon, as it has good base damage for its attack speed and will perform well both with and without infusions. Poise Damage. Who put down the note that it's a reference to some obscure book series? Nephate 9 years ago

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