Dss ct
Do you need help with health care, dss ct or cash assistance? Apply for services that can help you and your family stay healthy and secure. Public comment is open from January 9, through February 8, including how to send comments or attend public hearings.
Advocates for Connecticut residents who receive state benefits like Medicaid and Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program SNAP are concerned that call center wait times have increased, in some instances to 87 minutes. And they say the Department of Social Services has not reported the information about wait times for the last couple of months. At the time, they assured the public that the call center would be adequately staffed to provide timely human assistance without long wait times, preventing delays and erroneous terminations of benefits. However, advocates like Disability Rights Connecticut, say this commitment has remained unfulfilled through successive administrations. The Department of Social Services did not respond to our request for information, but in a Dec. The number of abandoned calls, according to DSS data, also increased from 9.
Dss ct
Are you sure you want to log out of your account? Welcome to the Connecticut Department of Social Services.
Do you need help with health care, food or cash assistance? Apply for services that can help you and your family stay healthy and secure. Public comment is open from January 9, through February 8, including how to send comments or attend public hearings. DSS serves over 1 million residents of all ages, across all cities and towns in a number of different programs. On-site video sign language interpreting in all DSS offices, the on-demand video service that provides communication between deaf or hard-of-hearing persons and hearing persons that are in the same location. A free skills-based work program that provides short-term job training programs at community colleges and community-based organizations.
Dss ct
It seems that JavaScript is not working in your browser. It could be because it is not supported, or that JavaScript is intentionally disabled. Some of the features on CT. The Department of Social Services is pleased to announce a new mobile-friendly application called MyDSS for use by our client households throughout Connecticut.
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Look here for common DSS applications and forms. We hope you find this website both helpful and informative. Apply for services that can help you and your family stay healthy and secure. Learn More. DSS serves over 1 million residents of all ages, across all cities and towns in a number of different programs. Get all of your questions answered with our frequently asked questions page. And they say the Department of Social Services has not reported the information about wait times for the last couple of months. At the time, they assured the public that the call center would be adequately staffed to provide timely human assistance without long wait times, preventing delays and erroneous terminations of benefits. DSS, which had been posting its call center wait times , stopped. The number of abandoned calls, according to DSS data, also increased from 9. Commissioner Andrea Barton Reeves. Latest News. On-site video sign language interpreting in all DSS offices, the on-demand video service that provides communication between deaf or hard-of-hearing persons and hearing persons that are in the same location. Public comment is open from January 9, through February 8, including how to send comments or attend public hearings. DSS said in its Dec.
Its last wait time information on the website is from October The number of abandoned calls, according to DSS data, also increased from 9. Update my info. Skip to content. Look here for common DSS applications and forms. Latest News. For more information. On-site video sign language interpreting in all DSS offices, the on-demand video service that provides communication between deaf or hard-of-hearing persons and hearing persons that are in the same location. Already have DSS benefits or services? Our mission is to help you stay healthy and informed while providing you with every opportunity to succeed. DSS said in its Dec.
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