Dudson plates

Dudson brings over years of experience to your table, offering classic porcelain and vitrified designs.

This season, we continue to build on Harvest Mediterranean with a new design, Moresque Ink. A rustic Moorish design featuring intricate detailing and geometric pattern. Also introducing Evo Azure for Spring , a cool blue colourway and the fourth colour within the collection. Evo is d ecorated in the reactive glaze and finished in a matte colour that features multiple reactive tones, making each piece individual. All the shapes have a handcrafted feel and feature the signature Evo embossment. Harvest Grain is a derivative of the original collection, featuring a speckled glaze that reflects the natural and earthy grains found in agricultural terrains, resonating the true farm-to-fork philosophy. Porto resembles a mosaic design, capturing the essence of hand-crafted and artisan Portuguese azulejos.

Dudson plates


Harvest Mediterranean.


This season, we continue to build on Harvest Mediterranean with a new design, Moresque Ink. A rustic Moorish design featuring intricate detailing and geometric pattern. Also introducing Evo Azure for Spring , a cool blue colourway and the fourth colour within the collection. Evo is d ecorated in the reactive glaze and finished in a matte colour that features multiple reactive tones, making each piece individual. All the shapes have a handcrafted feel and feature the signature Evo embossment.

Dudson plates

Made to enhance the tabletop presentation. It has a satin finish to add an elegant touch. The stainless steel Reward yourself with a teaspoon that has a bold and contemporary pattern to enhance the tabletop presentation.

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Coffee Shops. All rights Reserved. Log in. Add to Cart. Suggested keywords menu. The Maker's Collection Porto. Facet Value. Dudson White. Porto resembles a mosaic design, capturing the essence of hand-crafted and artisan Portuguese azulejos. Dudson China Shop Dudson bowls, plates and cups at Wasserstrom. Evo Origins. Food Truck. The Maker's Collection Finca. Evo is d ecorated in the reactive glaze and finished in a matte colour that features multiple reactive tones, making each piece individual. New Products This Spring.

Established in , Dudson has a proud heritage of producing tableware specifically for the hospitality market. Its position as an innovator within this market is exemplified by the recognition and subsequent development of a stronger type of vitrified china for industrial use in

Ordering online is easy and fast, with more items shipped out in one to two business days. Item : In Stock. Cuisine Type. Also introducing Evo Azure for Spring , a cool blue colourway and the fourth colour within the collection. The Maker's Collection Jute. Compare Add more to compare Added. Filter by. Privacy Policy. The Maker's Collection Finca.

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