Edmondson park cinemas
While every effort is made to ensure the information on this page is correct, trading hours edmondson park cinemas change from time to time at the discretion of the retailer. Please contact individual stores for more information. Level 3, near Nando's.
Event Cinemas. Now 2 hours. Car Parks. Sort by: Distance Price Relevance. Westfield Liverpool spaces.
Edmondson park cinemas
Padstow Station 30 spaces. Car Parks.
Staffs are very friendly and helpful. There were lots space and seats in the cinema were soft and comfortable. Quite similar to greaterunion but this has a better customer service. Staff didn't seem to happy to be there. The cinema is very comfortable and lovely and clean. This request will be sent to this business and other similar businesses near Edmondson Park, NSW to help you compare prices. By submitting this form you are registering and agreeing to the Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy. By submitting this request you are agreeing to our privacy policy and terms of use. Review a business Login Sign up Register business. Average rating of cinemas in Edmondson Park 4.
Edmondson park cinemas
Edmondson Park is located 32 kilometres from the Sydney central business district , in the local government area of the City of Liverpool. Edmondson Park is part of the South West Growth Centre and is expected to see significant growth and development over the next 10 years. In the early years of settlement, parts of the Cumberland Plain were turned into pastoral holdings. Large estates were broken up during the s stem rust, which disrupted the grain industry, leading to the popularity of dairying, timber, fruit and wine production by locals instead. By the s, the area was noted for its thick, timbered scrub and open woodlands.
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Wed, Feb Liverpool Plaza spaces. Liverpool Regional Museum 48 spaces. Panania Station 77 spaces. Bathurst Street South Car Park 49 spaces. Today, Feb Liverpool Hospital. Hospitals Liverpool Liverpool Liverpool Emergency. Places nearby. Sun, Mar Customers only. Fairfield Station spaces. Delivering all the exclusivity of the stars in an intimate environment - with your own electronic recliner, waitered service to your seat and a delicious menu of meals and tasty beverages, you'll travel first class all the way.
Punchbowl Station spaces. Free 2 hours. For the ultimate luxury cinema experience, Event Cinemas are proud to present you with Gold Class. Homestead Park 46 spaces. Coming up Event Cinemas. Macquarie Fields Station spaces. Event Cinemas Event Junior. Sort by: Distance Price Relevance. Directions Level 3, near Nando's. Angle Park 79 spaces. Please contact Event Cinemas for further details.
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