effects of the great depression quizlet

Effects of the great depression quizlet

In this famous photograph by Dorothea Lange, a destitute, thirty-two-year-old mother of seven captures the agonies of the Great Depression. Library of Congress. Please click here to improve this chapter. Hard times had hit the United States before, but never had an economic crisis lasted so long or inflicted as much harm as the slump that followed the crash.

Over , businesses shut down between and , contributing to the rise of unemployment. Some had borrowed money to keep going before the crash and could not afford to pay back their loans. Others had been hit by falling demand for goods as people had started to spend less money, especially on goods they did not consider to be essential. Most of the people who initially lost their jobs worked in the older industries, such as coal mining, textiles and steel production. By , other industries, such as banking, domestic services and teaching, were also affected. Unemployment rates were high among unskilled workers , women and African Americans , who were more likely to lose their jobs first because of discrimination. This downward trend of business closures leading to more unemployment was part of the economic depression.

Effects of the great depression quizlet


Soon they all were depleted.


The Great Depression of devastated the U. A third of all banks failed. Housing prices plummeted, international trade collapsed, and deflation soared. It took 25 years for the stock market to recover. While the Great Depression took a huge toll on the U. For example, the New Deal programs installed safeguards to make it less likely that the Depression could happen again. Overall, the Great Depression had a tremendous impact on nine principal areas of the U. The economy began shrinking in August By the end of the year, one-third of all banks had failed.

Effects of the great depression quizlet


Denny restaurant

In his first days in office, Roosevelt and his advisors prepared, submitted, and secured congressional enactment of numerous laws designed to arrest the worst of the Great Depression. Even though the New Deal never achieved as much as its proponents hoped or its opponents feared, it did more than any other peacetime program to change how Americans saw their country. Across the country, banks denied loans and called in debts. Hoover resisted direct action. The government relied on landowners and local organizations to distribute money fairly to those most affected by production limits, but many owners simply kicked tenants and croppers off their land, kept the subsidy checks for keeping those acres fallow, and reinvested the profits in mechanical farming equipment that further suppressed the demand for labor. But Huey Long was not alone in his critique of Roosevelt. Reference Material. The crisis itself had stifled foreign immigration, but such restrictive and exclusionary actions in the first years of the Depression intensified its effects. Family Walking on Highway Together, they provided not only tangible projects of immense public good but employment for millions. But, in such a labor crisis, many employers, subscribing to traditional notions of male bread-winning, were less likely to hire married women and more likely to dismiss those they already employed. Constitution to restore the economy. The number of European visas issued fell roughly 60 percent while deportations dramatically increased. On one hand, Roosevelt included women in key positions within his administration, including the first female cabinet secretary, Frances Perkins, and a prominently placed African American advisor in the National Youth Administration, Mary McLeod Bethune. Roosevelt immediately looked to stabilize the collapsing banking system.


To Hoover, direct government aid would discourage a healthy work ethic while associationalism would encourage the self-control and self-initiative that fueled economic growth. The minimum wage disproportionately affected low-paid southern workers and brought southern wages within the reach of northern wages. Huey P. But to have this baby come to a home full of worry and despair, with no money for the things it needs, is not fair. The situation was only compounded by increased automation and rising efficiency in American factories. Officials in the Southwest led a coordinated effort to push out Mexican immigrants. The unemployment rate varied across the country. Starting in , the committee held widely publicized hearings. Francis Townsend, a former doctor and public health official from California, promoted a plan for old-age pensions which, he argued, would provide economic security for the elderly who disproportionately suffered poverty and encourage recovery by allowing older workers to retire from the workforce. Hoover of course was not responsible for the Depression, not personally. The number of European visas issued fell roughly 60 percent while deportations dramatically increased. His administration threw the federal government headlong into the fight against the Depression.

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