Einstein neurology
Neurology Albert Einstein College of Medicine.
Professor , The Saul R. Korey Department of Neurology. Professor , Dominick P. Purpura Department of Neuroscience. Professor , Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences.
Einstein neurology
Yagiz M.
Professor , The Saul R. Korey Department of Neurology. Professor , Dominick P. Purpura Department of Neuroscience. Professor , Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences. Chair The Saul R. Tel: Associate Professor , The Saul R. Visiting Instructor , The Saul R. Instructor , The Saul R.
Einstein neurology
Our overall mission of The Saul R. Korey Department of Neurology is to develop subspecialty programs, centers and institutes of excellence to promote innovative comprehensive clinical care programs and complementary clinical, translational and basic science research programs to promote novel therapeutic strategies and eventually true disease cures through harnessing the unique and untapped potential of endogenous neural stem cell repair mechanisms, dynamic tissue remodeling and emerging genetic and epigenetic reprogramming strategies as well as emerging pharmacogenomic tools. We also have an essential responsibility to train the next generation of outstanding clinical neurologists, neurology subspecialty practitioners, physician-scientists and basic science researchers in an atmosphere of intensive interdisciplinary cooperation between basic and clinical science departments, centers and institutes at Einstein, locally, nationally as well as internationally.
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Buse, Ph. Kanner, M. Chair, The Saul R. Stephen W. Barrett Katz, M. Jiae Y. Katsarou, M. Briggs, M. Michelle A. Richard B. Areas of Research: I study cognitive aging and dementia. Professor , The Leo M.
Eric J. Victor Ferastraoaru, M. Christine Hung, M. Associate Dean for Diversity Enhancement. Berliner, M. Briggs, M. Cynthia E. Esenwa, M. Areas of Research: Basal ganglia neuroanatomy and function; Reward systems; Neuroscience of romantic love and attachment. Mark F. Hascalovici, M. Davidoff Department of Neurological Surgery.
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