el diario de un chico en apuros reparto

El diario de un chico en apuros reparto

Jack N. Green director of photography as Jack Green. Shannon Grover. Smith greens person u y Jason Vanover key greensman: additional photography u.

Greg Heffley is a 12 year old who is fresh out of elementary and transitions to middle school, where he has to learn the consequences and responsibility to survive the year. Rowley Jefferson : My mom said to just be myself, and everyone would like me. Greg Heffley : That would be good advice if you were somebody else. Sign In Sign In. New Customer? Create account.

El diario de un chico en apuros reparto

Back in middle school after summer vacation, Greg Heffley and his older brother Rodrick must deal with their parents' misguided attempts to have them bond. Greg Heffley : I was thinking I would write her a note. Rodrick Heffley : Like, one with words in it? Sign In Sign In. New Customer? Create account. Play trailer Comedy Family. Director David Bowers. See production info at IMDbPro. Top credits Director David Bowers.

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Zachary Gordon Greg Heffley. Devon Bostick Rodrick Heffley. Robert Capron Rowley Jefferson. Steve Zahn Frank Heffley. Rachael Harris Susan Heffley.

Ser casi adolescente puede resultar muy fastidioso. Por suerte para todos, lo que Greg Heffley dice que va a hacer y lo que realmente hace son cosas muy diferentes. Y es que todos los secretos acaban saliendo a la luz…. Resulta que Frank Heffley cree que su hijo puede cambiar. Sin embargo, cuando su padre lo amenaza con enviarlo a una academia militar, se da cuenta de que tiene que ponerse las pilas.

El diario de un chico en apuros reparto

The story, written by Jeff Kinney, follows the misadventures of Greg Heffley, a middle school student trying to navigate the challenges of adolescence. The film adaptation brought the lovable characters from the book to life, and the talented cast truly embraced their roles. This role catapulted Gordon to stardom, and he has since appeared in other notable films and TV shows. Her performance resonates with both children and adults alike. Bostick perfectly embodies the rebellious, mischievous, and sometimes annoying older brother character. His performance adds a layer of sibling dynamics to the film.

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Serge Houde Mr. Gabe Sachs Screenplay. More like this. Jennifer Clement Mrs. Storyline Edit. Samantha Page Shelley. Mariah Crudo Audition Kid. You need to be logged in to continue. Diary of a Wimpy Kid is loads of fun, being reminiscent of the time when growing up was quite the pain and more often than not a time of being misunderstood. He tries to rewrite the school's playground rules, only to find that he isn't quite the trend setter or the visionary he thinks he is, while his plus sized friend somehow manages to climb up the popularity rankings. Dolby Dolby Surround 7. Owen Fielding Manny Heffley.

Zachary Gordon Greg Heffley. Robert Capron Rowley Jefferson.

School kid at dance u Sebastien Pentland-Hyde. Jim Van Dijk Camera Operator. When they show Rowley, the girl is again seen coming out of the school. Conner Ingram Young Rodrick. Ruby J. Back in middle school after summer vacation, Greg Heffley and his older brother Rodrick must deal with their parents' misguided attempts to have them bond. Belita Moreno Mrs. Alicia Takase Lui Audition Kid. Release date March 25, United States. Rachael Harris Susan Heffley. Greta Makena Gibson Lunch Kid 2. See the gallery.

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