Elite pedophilia and the propaganda machine
ER Editor: We came across this on Zerohedge today behind a paywall, and discovered a new site.
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Elite pedophilia and the propaganda machine
Robin Falkov Hr1 Dr. Robin Falkov Hr2 Dr. The downfall of Jeffrey Epstein brought this issue into the limelight, but few people truly know how long stuff like this has been going on. It places the matter of elite pedophilia in a deeper historical context that sheds new light on this awful phenomenon. The overarching narrative the otherworldly author uses to tie together tens of thousands of years of human history is as worrisome as it is compelling. It draws on several disciplines of modern science, as well as just about every religious scripture that has ever been written. Be forewarned, this chapter explores the darkest evil being perpetrated today, and it is on such a scale and duration the mind recoils in either disbelief or horror. However, with the overwhelming success of Sound of Freedom, the world is now ready to explore the most heinous secret ever kept by the ruling classes. RMN is an RA production. The only pay your RMN moderators receive comes from ads. If you're using an ad blocker, please consider putting RMN in your ad blocker's whitelist. Click Widget or Click Here to contribute.
Were there really plans to bequeath a chunk of Roman-held land to his children? But they instead can be well applied to the days of Ancient Rome and what is arguably the first example of a good old-fashioned political stitch-up. The obvious answer is yes.
Zohar Lazar The children were being sodomized in secret underground tunnels. Their captors drank blood in front of them and staged satanic ritual sacrifices. Sometimes the kids were filmed for pornographic purposes. In total, some several hundred children were subjected to this treatment. And it all happened in the middle of a safe neighborhood where crimes were not supposed to happen, let alone such unspeakable and horrific ones.
In modern presidential campaigns, unsubstantiated conspiracy theories about pedophilia are now almost as routine as stump speeches, poll results and televised debates. Adherents of this fiction spun an elaborate online fantasy that the presidential candidate — along with her husband, former President Bill Clinton, and other prominent Democrats — was running such an enterprise from a nonexistent network of tunnels underneath a real-life pizza joint in Washington, D. Clinton lost the election, but the fabricated charge that a secret cabal of pedophiles rules the Democratic Party remained a central feature of the QAnon conspiracy theory. The hashtag PedoBiden has been on the rise in recent months, and Trump gave it a boost by retweeting a video from an anonymous Twitter account that purported to show Biden in the act. It also raises questions.
Elite pedophilia and the propaganda machine
Visit Link. An unavoidable connection one makes when exploring the deep-state are its ties with child trafficking rings and sexual abuse. The downfall of Jeffrey Epstein brought this issue into the limelight, but few people truly know how long stuff like this has been going on. It places the matter of elite pedophilia in a deeper historical context that sheds new light on this awful phenomenon. The overarching narrative the otherworldly author uses to tie together tens of thousands of years of human history is as worrisome as it is compelling.
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The rest, as they say, is ancient history. Amateur internet sleuths blew it up into a conspiracy theory about a child-sex ring. In , the Times ran a story of Germany corpse factories, in which the bodies of soldiers were being converted into glycerine for weapons and food. When the video was uploaded to the internet, a Cern spokesperson declared the incident a prank, yet not a single person that was involved in the ritual was ever interviewed or explained what they were doing. Donate Not Now. By making members perform these acts publicly and by recording them, these cults maintain a level of control over their participants. Archived from the original on 5 May Sometimes the kids were filmed for pornographic purposes. We noticed you have an ad blocker on. Book-burning sessions were commonplace, while the Church was silenced.
ER Editor: We came across this on Zerohedge today behind a paywall, and discovered a new site.
Sign up for the free Mother Jones Daily newsletter and follow the news that matters. February Contents move to sidebar hide. It is natural for you to feel rage as you read this, Seeker of Truth, perhaps even rage like you have never felt before. The report includes a famous Dutch media investigation into organized sexual abuse from June of during lockdown time which, as far as we are aware, never saw the light of day in the English-speaking world. Facebook Twitter. According to Argos, the fire department could not determine the cause of the fire, so severe was the damage caused. Octavian, on the other hand, remained in Rome, where the Senate was based and able to be influenced. So, how did we get to our current interpretation of the word? The Nephilim have had more than 10, years to consolidate their power and execute their strategies. Subscribe to the Bombthrower mailing list to get these posts as they come out, and follow Mr. Fearless conversations. The abominations of the High Places of Baal continue to this day. The demons may take different forms, but the conspiracy is basically the same: Our house is under attack.
In my opinion you are mistaken. I can prove it.
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