energy resources bbc bitesize

Energy resources bbc bitesize

There are different energy sources in the world and the stores of energy associated with them can contain different amounts of energy.

They were formed from the remains of living organisms plants and animals millions of years ago. They have chemical energy close chemical energy A type of stored energy. It is taken in when chemical bonds break, and given out when chemical bonds are made. About three-quarters of the electricity generated in the UK comes from power stations fuelled by fossil fuels. This diagram shows an energy transfer diagram for the generation of electricity from a fossil fuel such as coal. The carbon dioxide is then stored underground, for example in old oil or gas fields such as those found under the North Sea.

Energy resources bbc bitesize

These natural resources are formed from the remains of plants and animals that died millions of years ago. They are used to power everything from planes to gas cookers. This adds to climate change by making the Earth warmer than it should be. Once fossil fuels are gone, they cannot be replaced. Renewable sources of energy are more sustainable, which means they continue to be used. Renewable energy is a natural source of energy that will never run out. Wind , the Sun and water are renewable energy sources that can be used to create electricity. Hydropower - uses energy from moving water to drive turbines and generate electricity. Hydro-electric power schemes use water stored in dams. Wind energy - wind turns turbines to create electricity. Wind farms are located on high ground or out at sea, where the wind is strongest. Geothermal energy - heat generated below the Earth's surface. In active volcanic areas, it can be used to heat water.

Wind Kinetic Renewable Electricity generation Very low Takes up large areas that could be used for farming.

Some energy resources are renewable close renewable Energy resources that can be easily replenished or are effectively limitless. These resources will not run out by being used. Solar power is an example of a renewable energy resource. This resource will eventually run out because we are using it. Fossil fuels and nuclear fuels are examples of non-renewable energy resources. Much of the energy that is transferred in our homes is supplied by electricity.

Nearly everything requires energy close energy The capacity for doing work. Systems that can store large amounts of energy are called energy resources close energy resource Useful supply or store of energy. The major energy resources available to produce electricity are fossil fuels close fossil fuel Natural, finite fuel formed from the remains of living organisms, eg oil, coal and natural gas. Ultimately, all the energy on Earth originally comes from the Sun but has been stored as different energy resources. However, producing and distributing electricity can cause damage to the environment. Releasing energy from some stores causes pollution and harmful waste products.

Energy resources bbc bitesize

You might have used electricity to set an alarm clock, or to make breakfast this morning. Electricity powers lighting, most appliances and devices, and sometimes even showers and heating systems. Mobile phones would not work without electricity to charge the battery. Energy powers buildings, industries close industry Often refers to factories, but can mean any form of employment that makes money. This is often electricity close electricity A form of energy used to power buildings and some vehicles. It is delivered by cables and used through plug sockets and light fittings. For example, wood is a fuel as it can be burned to produce heat. Energy use is often measured per capita close per capita An average amount of something used to mean per person in a country. Iceland, Canada, the United States and wealthier nations in the Middle East are amongst the highest consumers close consumer Someone who uses something. For example, energy consumers use energy.

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Non-renewable energy resources. Building dams and tidal barrages can harm habitats and displace people from their homes. Energy resource Energy store Renewable or non-renewable Uses Power output Impact on environment Fossil fuels oil, coal and natural gases Chemical Non- renewable Transport, heating, electricity generation High Releases CO 2 , which contributes to global warming. Biomass can be converted into liquid fuels known as biofuels such as biodiesel and ethanol. Fossil fuels. Wind power. Energy is transferred from the sun by radiation. Video Transcript Video Transcript Have you ever thought about how much energy there is underground? But non-renewable resources generate harmful greenhouse gases that damage the habitats of animals and plants and contribute to global warming. An oil rig pumps oil from the ground. Geothermal energy resources are an example of renewable close renewable Energy resources that can be easily replenished or are effectively limitless. Some people say windmills spoil the view. Energy resource Biofuel Energy store Chemical Renewable or non-renewable Renewable Uses Transport, heating, electricity generation Power output Medium Impact on environment 'Carbon neutral' - little or no effect on the environment. The best bit is that after the steam has powered the turbines it can be cooled until it condenses back into water and then pumped back down to be reused and heated again.

Energy in the home.

There are a wide range of energy resources used to generate electricity. Find out how the heat of the Earth can be used to generate clean electricity. The fuel for nuclear power stations is relatively cheap, but the power stations themselves are expensive to build. It can generate electricity in solar cells. Energy transferred by heating causes water to boil, turning it into steam. This may not always be the case. Much of the energy that is transferred in our homes is supplied by electricity. This hot water can be used to generate electricity. Solar energy resource is an example of a renewable close renewable Energy resources that can be easily replenished or are effectively limitless. Fossil fuels have a large amount of energy in the chemical energy store per kilogram.

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