Eos asx
Market data is provided and copyrighted by Thomson Reuters and Morningstar.
Electro Optic Systems Holdings Limited is a technology company. Defense Systems develops, manufactures, and markets advanced fire control, surveillance, and weapon systems to approved military customers. The Space Systems segment manufactures and supplies various telescopes and dome enclosures for customers around the world. Space S ystems astrometric products provide optical systems and a specialization in optical, microwave and on-the-move radio and satellite products that deliver resilient and assured telecommunications for critical applications. The Company's products incorporate electro-optic applications based on its technologies in software, laser, electronics, optronics, gimbals, telescopes and beam directors and mechanisms. It also develops and manufactures telescopes and dome enclosures.
Eos asx
Electro Optic Systems Holdings Limited. Electro Optic Systems Holdings Limited engages in the development, manufacture, and sale of telescopes and dome enclosures, laser satellite tracking systems, electro-optic fire control systems, and microwave satellite dishes and receivers. About the company. The company operates through Defence Systems and Space Systems segments. It develops, manufactures, and markets fire control, surveillance, and weapon systems to military customers; designs, manufactures, and supplies remote weapon systems, as well as provides related installation, integration, and support services; and designs, manufactures, delivers, and operates sensors for space domain awareness and space control. EOS Stock Overview Electro Optic Systems Holdings Limited engages in the development, manufacture, and sale of telescopes and dome enclosures, laser satellite tracking systems, electro-optic fire control systems, and microwave satellite dishes and receivers. Trading at Earnings are forecast to grow Full year earnings: EPS exceeds analyst expectations Mar Price target increased by 8. See more updates Recent updates. Jan
Full year earnings: EPS exceeds analyst expectations Mar Actions Add to watchlist Add to portfolio Add an alert.
February 28, Mitchell Lawler. Growing defence spending is helping this little ASX company find its feet again. February 28, James Mickleboro. September 22, Bronwyn Allen. Three directors of this technology company have loaded up on shares this month.
Electro Optic Systems Holdings Limited is a technology company. Defense Systems develops, manufactures, and markets advanced fire control, surveillance, and weapon systems to approved military customers. The Space Systems segment manufactures and supplies various telescopes and dome enclosures for customers around the world. Space S ystems astrometric products provide optical systems and a specialization in optical, microwave and on-the-move radio and satellite products that deliver resilient and assured telecommunications for critical applications. The Company's products incorporate electro-optic applications based on its technologies in software, laser, electronics, optronics, gimbals, telescopes and beam directors and mechanisms. It also develops and manufactures telescopes and dome enclosures.
Eos asx
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Rosenbauer International AG. Yes No. Connectivity services. Apply to become a participant. Investment products. Defense Systems develops, manufactures, and markets advanced fire control, surveillance, and weapon systems to approved military customers. Show more Tech link Tech. Financial Health. Debt securities. DLT as a Service. Institutional shareholders Top holders Movers. All markets data located on FT. Actions Add to watchlist Add to portfolio Add an alert. All content on FT. Is EOS's price volatile compared to industry and market?
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