erik lensherr

Erik lensherr

Professor Charles Xavier : Charles Xavier. Logan : Go fuck yourself. Professor Charles Xavier erik lensherr Shaw's declared war on mankind on all of us, he has to be stopped.

The character is a powerful mutant , one of a fictional subspecies of humanity born with superhuman abilities, who has the ability to generate and control magnetic fields. Magneto regards mutants as evolutionarily superior to humans and rejects the possibility of peaceful human-mutant coexistence; he initially aimed to conquer the world to enable mutants, whom he refers to as Homo superior , to replace humans as the dominant species. Writers have since fleshed out his origins and motivations, revealing him to be a Holocaust survivor whose extreme methods and cynical philosophy derive from his determination to protect mutants from suffering a similar fate at the hands of a world that fears and persecutes them. He is a friend of Professor X , the leader of the X-Men, but their different philosophies cause a rift in their friendship at times. Magneto's role in comics has progressed from supervillain to antihero to superhero , having served as an occasional ally and member of the X-Men, even leading the New Mutants for a time as headmaster of the Xavier School for Gifted Youngsters. Writer Chris Claremont , who originated Magneto's backstory, modeled the character on then-Israeli opposition leader Menachem Begin , [10] with later commentators comparing the character with the American civil rights leader Malcolm X [11] [12] and Jewish Defense League founder Meir Kahane.

Erik lensherr

Known by many names, Max Eisenhart , also most commonly known as Erik Magnus Lehnsherr , is a powerful mutant willing to go to any extreme to protect his species as Magneto , the master of magnetism. After escaping, he learned at the cost of his own daughter 's life that he had the mutant ability to generate and control magnetic fields, a condition that caused additional hate and fear from those who were different from him. Seeking to subjugate humanity by brute force, he found himself in direct conflict with his former ally, Professor Charles Xavier and his X-Men , mutants who shared a dream of peaceful mutant-human coexistence. More recently, Magneto rejoined Professor Xavier, ending their long-time feud and helping to establish a mutant nation on the living island of Krakoa. Max was born and raised in Nuremberg , Germany by a middle class Jewish family. While attending a local school he became attracted to a young Romani girl named Magda , the daughter of the school cleaner. Max would do things such as craft her necklaces and excel in sporting events to gain her attention. While returning from school one day, Max encountered a Nazi rally and found his uncle Erich beaten and wearing a sign saying that he had shamed a German woman as he was Jewish, and she was not. Not long after, at a school event, Max won a javelin competition to impress Magda, and the following day was accused of cheating under the belief that a Jewish boy could not possibly exceed his "Aryan" classmates. Max was told to either give up his medal or recreate the throw with a "regulation" javelin. After winning the competition a second time, Max was again accused of cheating, expelled, and beaten by the other children. His father Jakob had been a World War I veteran and refused to believe that the nation he had fought for was turning its back on him. His father was left waiting for the major and beaten by a troupe of Nazis for "making trouble" in Scharf's office and resisting arrest. After hours of beating, Major Scharf threw Jakob out of his office, stating that the Nazis would have killed him and that they were now even.

He is an expert in genetic engineering and mutation. Professor X then declined Magneto's offer, stating he would not leave his students, erik lensherr.

Erik was born the son of two Canadian Weapon X agents. When Erik was 13 his magnetic mutant powers manifested, prompting his father to try and kill him in a drunken rage. By pure reflex, Erik deflected the bullet his father had fired back towards him, killing him. As Erik grew into his teens he came to realize the truth of the environment he had been raised in and that he was a mutant. Disgusted by Weapon-X's torture of Mutant X and their attempts to find a cure for the mutant gene, Erik used his powers to free Mutant X killing his mother and several other Weapon-X operatives in the process before fleeing the Weapon-X facility.

The character is a powerful mutant , one of a fictional subspecies of humanity born with superhuman abilities, who has the ability to generate and control magnetic fields. Magneto regards mutants as evolutionarily superior to humans and rejects the possibility of peaceful human-mutant coexistence; he initially aimed to conquer the world to enable mutants, whom he refers to as Homo superior , to replace humans as the dominant species. Writers have since fleshed out his origins and motivations, revealing him to be a Holocaust survivor whose extreme methods and cynical philosophy derive from his determination to protect mutants from suffering a similar fate at the hands of a world that fears and persecutes them. He is a friend of Professor X , the leader of the X-Men, but their different philosophies cause a rift in their friendship at times. Magneto's role in comics has progressed from supervillain to antihero to superhero , having served as an occasional ally and member of the X-Men, even leading the New Mutants for a time as headmaster of the Xavier School for Gifted Youngsters.

Erik lensherr

Known by many names, Max Eisenhart , also most commonly known as Erik Magnus Lehnsherr , is a powerful mutant willing to go to any extreme to protect his species as Magneto , the master of magnetism. After escaping, he learned at the cost of his own daughter 's life that he had the mutant ability to generate and control magnetic fields, a condition that caused additional hate and fear from those who were different from him. Seeking to subjugate humanity by brute force, he found himself in direct conflict with his former ally, Professor Charles Xavier and his X-Men , mutants who shared a dream of peaceful mutant-human coexistence. More recently, Magneto rejoined Professor Xavier, ending their long-time feud and helping to establish a mutant nation on the living island of Krakoa.

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Scarlet Witch seemingly returned from the dead, as well as Magneto. Though Magneto makes a substantial effort as the headmaster of the New Mutants and an ally to the X-Men, his tenure is disastrous. He commands a noticeably larger Brotherhood than his mainstream counterpart and has displayed enough power to defeat the Ultimates even Thor , a literal god, on two occasions by taking his hammer. His last words before losing consciousness were "ensure mutants survive. Magneto, not in control of himself, began attacking the New Avengers and S. You are my creator. Magneto was confident that she would join him, as would all mutants. Magneto's temper rose daily, threatening the New Mutants that if they would not follow his demands, he would make them. Magnus asked the mutant Cassandra Michaels to create his first uniform, believing that with all of the colorfully costumed heroes and villains walking the Earth , it was imperative that he do the same to make a statement. Jack Kirby. Professor Charles Xavier : Erik!

Erik was born the son of two Canadian Weapon X agents. When Erik was 13 his magnetic mutant powers manifested, prompting his father to try and kill him in a drunken rage. By pure reflex, Erik deflected the bullet his father had fired back towards him, killing him.

When that fails, he captures the Angel and tries to force him to tell the secrets of the X-Men. He and Longshot then exit the Triskelion unharassed and Magneto makes it clear to Longshot that he has something different planned than any of his more typical world-domination schemes. Magneto stunned everyone by telling them he had come in peace and wished to speak with Cyclops. This version of Magneto is significantly darker and more cynical than the mainstream version, regarding all humans with utter and unwavering disdain and likening them to "insects". Quicksilver decided to keep his father's legacy to rule humanity one day. List of Brotherhood of Mutants members X-Men. It was there Erik first met and became friends with Charles Xavier. Before he could fire, Stryker was shot down by a police officer. He used Fabian Cortez , and then Polaris, to augment his powers and was able to gain control of all parts of Genosha, after battling the Avengers and destroying the city of Carrion Cove. Doom, [] and it was able to block a energy blast from the Russian cannon - designed to punch through planets. The X-Men then help rebuild America in record time, and Magneto is made Federal Director of Mutant Affairs of the government of the newly restored United States of America , with the X-Men deputized as a mutant police force sanctioned to bring to justice the remaining survivors of Apocalypse's regime. Marvel Database Explore. Shortly afterwards, Krakoa was attacked by three indestructible kaiju conjured by Wanda's subconscious. Responding to his summons at the Hellfire Club, Magneto donned his old helmet and a similar red and purple suit and attended the meeting. After capturing the Avengers also, Magneto controlled both groups to kidnap scientists to create atomic devices that would create for him an army of mutants to command.

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