Establishes synonym
Having established itself as one of the establishes synonym e-commerce players in India, Amazon is now casting a wider net in the country. Investor groups commit to establishing lasting relationships with founders in the program and to uphold lisa in hollyoaks for representation within their organizations and their investment portfolios. Huckabee will also need to establish a reliable fundraising base, something that up until now has proved to be elusive, establishes synonym. The king set about punishing Marshal, opposing his attempts to establish his family establishes synonym their lands in Ireland and Wales.
TSA reacts swiftly, establishes security checkpoints between bathrooms and cockpits on all U. Early on, Oates establishes a parity between Cressida and Corporal Kincaid that runs the course of the narrative. With long shots of the New Mexico landscape where it was filmed, Berg establishes Afghanistan as a lonely place. It is this first sketch that establishes the character of the future picture in everything but the details. This establishes the proportions, the sizes, and positions of the several figures on the final canvas. The founder may, if he please, part with it at the time when he establishes the charity, and may vest it in others. By clicking "Sign Up", you are accepting Dictionary.
Establishes synonym
A flexitarian way of eating consists mainly of vegetarian food but with some meat. Forget doing it or forget to do it? Avoiding common mistakes with verb patterns 2. Synonyms and antonyms of establish in English. These are words and phrases related to establish. Click on any word or phrase to go to its thesaurus page. Or, go to the definition of establish. The university was established in Synonyms and examples start I always wanted to start my own business. Antonym and example close something down We had to close the business down after the pandemic. Go to the thesaurus article about these synonyms and antonyms of establish. See words related to establish begin.
Strong establishes synonym ascertain certify circumstantiate constitute corroborate decree disambiguate discover learn legislate predicate prescribe rest show stay substantiate validate verify. Tell us about this example sentence:.
Words related to establishing are not direct synonyms, but are associated with the word establishing. Browse related words to learn more about word associations. A difference of more than a foot and a half means the world to a post scorer like Ayton, who is already better at establishing position close to the basket than the players Paul has been feeding. If humans ever want to take the unprecedented step of establishing a base on the Moon, Mars, or any other celestial destination, they may need to extract resources from local rocks to support themselves. Lennon casually told some DC friends about it and found there was local interest in establishing Dinner Parties.
Poor word choices can lead to a lackluster, meandering article. You want them to keep them coming back for more. This guide can help you out with that. The English dictionary defines establish as a verb that depicts the first step in the process of forming or making something from nothing. Establishing something, in particular, can mean instituting a law, organization, company, or new practice. Establishing can also mean proving or constituting a point with a stable basis. You can better understand the word establish by writing a few sentences with it. Here are a few sentence samples to get you started:. Establish synonym examples are set up, start, begin, institute, initative, form, found, create, and organize.
Establishes synonym
English Dictionary. Word Lists. Grammar English Easy Learning Grammar. Grammar Patterns. English Usage. Teaching Resources.
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Mandarin Chinese images. Word of the Day flexitarian. From Project Gutenberg. Strong matches authenticating confirming corroborating demonstrating proving substantiating validating verifying. And she credits her mother for helping to establish who that woman was early on: independent, free, self-reliant. Essential American English. Word Lists. Follow us. Strong matches ascertain certify circumstantiate constitute corroborate decree disambiguate discover learn legislate predicate prescribe rest show stay substantiate validate verify. From FiveThirtyEight. Read More.
Forget doing it or forget to do it? Avoiding common mistakes with verb patterns 2.
By clicking "Sign Up", you are accepting Dictionary. From Vox. Wordle Helper. Primary School. English—Portuguese Portuguese—English. Quiz Italian confusables. About this. Browse alphabetically establish. On this page you'll find 34 synonyms, antonyms, and words related to establishing, such as: beginning, building, chartering, constituting, endowing, and fixing. Skip to.
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