even in the singularity ne demek

Even in the singularity ne demek

The everyday English definition is a noun that designates the quality of being one of a kind, strange, unique, remarkable or unusual. So, the Wiktionary lists the following five meanings:. What we are most interested in, however, is the definition of singularity as a technological phenomenon — i. Here we can find an even greater variety of subtly different interpretations and meanings.

The technological singularity —or simply the singularity [1] —is a hypothetical future point in time at which technological growth becomes uncontrollable and irreversible, resulting in unforeseeable consequences for human civilization. Good 's intelligence explosion model, an upgradable intelligent agent will eventually enter a "runaway reaction" of self-improvement cycles, each new and more intelligent generation appearing more and more rapidly, causing an "explosion" in intelligence and resulting in a powerful superintelligence that qualitatively far surpasses all human intelligence. The first person to use the concept of a "singularity" in the technological context was the 20th-century Hungarian-American mathematician John von Neumann. The concept and the term "singularity" were popularized by Vernor Vinge first in in an article that claimed that once humans create intelligences greater than their own, there will be a technological and social transition similar in some sense to "the knotted space-time at the center of a black hole", [8] and later in his essay The Coming Technological Singularity , [4] [7] in which he wrote that it would signal the end of the human era, as the new superintelligence would continue to upgrade itself and would advance technologically at an incomprehensible rate. He wrote that he would be surprised if it occurred before or after Some scientists, including Stephen Hawking , have expressed concern that artificial superintelligence ASI could result in human extinction.

Even in the singularity ne demek

Singularity shows how all forms and phenomena, because of the emptiness of true nature and because of its being beyond time and space, totally pervade each other. They are all one and also many. They are all identical and also different. Singularity is when the infinity of reality appears in a single point. All spatial and temporal infinity manifests as one point. All space and all time are one point, where the point is all space and all time without any. Before differentiation and conceptualization, before there is memory of the past or thoughts of the future, there is just the pure fact, the pure actuality, of presence with its complete radiance. Here the consciousness is aware of itself completely outside of time—consciousness and presence as the same thing. Timelessness, which is the full and complete experience of Brilliancy , becomes the entry into the now, which is universal presence. We can think of consciousness being aware of its own actuality as a loop of self-reflection.

Since the s, the quantity of digital information stored has doubled about every 2. InYudkowsky predicted a singularity by

Usually the singularity. Also called technological singularity. The real singularity was that point at which specific information about the world, about experiences, about ideas, about inventions and creations, began to live alongside us. We need to be doing a better job of hazard assessments, and not examining hazards in singularity. That sense of self-enforced singularity —the feeling that he's the last of the Mohicans—is a big part of White's appeal.

In a new paper published in The International Journal of Astrobiology , Joseph Gale from The Hebrew University of Jerusalem and co-authors make the point that recent advances in artificial intelligence AI —particularly in pattern recognition and self-learning—will likely result in a paradigm shift in the search for extraterrestrial intelligent life. While futurist Ray Kurzweil predicted 15 years ago that the singularity—the time when the abilities of a computer overtake the abilities of the human brain—will occur in about , Gale and his co-authors believe this event may be much more imminent, especially with the advent of quantum computing. The strategy game StarCraft II may be the next to have a machine as reigning champion. If we look at the calculating capacity of computers and compare it to the number of neurons in the human brain, the singularity could be reached as soon as the early s. For example, whales and elephants have more than double the number of neurons in their brain, but are not more intelligent than humans.

Even in the singularity ne demek

To understand what a singularity is, imagine the force of gravity compressing you down into an infinitely tiny point, so that you occupy literally no volume. That sounds impossible … and it is. These "singularities" are found in the centers of black holes and at the beginning of the Big Bang. These singularities don't represent something physical. Rather, when they appear in mathematics , they are telling us that our theories of physics are breaking down, and we need to replace them with a better understanding. Singularities can happen anywhere, and they are surprisingly common in the mathematics that physicists use to understand the universe.

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Retrieved 19 March Gordon points out that measured economic growth slowed around and slowed even further since the financial crisis of — , and argues that the economic data show no trace of a coming Singularity as imagined by mathematician I. Just like two magnets: When they are relatively far from each other, there is some attraction, but the closer they get, the more powerful the attraction becomes. They are all one and also many. Mathematics A point at which the derivative does not exist for a given function but every neighborhood of which contains points for which the derivative exists. Some writers use "the singularity" in a broader way to refer to any radical changes in society brought about by new technology such as molecular nanotechnology , [28] [29] [30] although Vinge and other writers specifically state that without superintelligence, such changes would not qualify as a true singularity. AI Impacts. Berglas claims that there is no direct evolutionary motivation for an AI to be friendly to humans. Further information: Superintelligence. And because it is the most specific quality, it aids us in being able to be specific about anything.

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The regularity becomes evident when changing to another coordinate system such as the Kruskal coordinates , where the metric is perfectly smooth. Simon and Schuster. What is Singularity? Sebastian Joseph de Pontchasteau, a French author, died; remarkable for the singularity of his acts of devotion and charity. Oft-cited dangers include those commonly associated with molecular nanotechnology and genetic engineering. Oxford University Press. Technology forecasters and researchers disagree regarding when, or whether, human intelligence will likely be surpassed. There is a new element in the experience: The sense of authentic identity is present, and it is experienced as oneself. Some critics suggest religious motivations or implications of singularity, especially Kurzweil's version of it. This would mean that there is no time between actuality and the awareness of actuality.

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