

Hide the news. Posted Invalid Date. Explore high-quality biological data resources. Evolution biology, expassy.

Federal government websites often end in. The site is secure. It provides access to a variety of databases and analytical tools dedicated to proteins and proteomics. Analysis tools are available for specific tasks relevant to proteomics, similarity searches, pattern and profile searches, post-translational modification prediction, topology prediction, primary, secondary and tertiary structure analysis and sequence alignment. These databases and tools are tightly interlinked: a special emphasis is placed on integration of database entries with related resources developed at the SIB and elsewhere, and the proteomics tools have been designed to read the annotations in SWISS-PROT in order to enhance their predictions.


In , Expasy was redesigned through a user-centric approach, known as User-Centred Design UCD , whose aim is to create user interfaces that are easy-to-use, efficient and targeting the intended community. This approach, widely used in other fields such as marketing, e-commerce, and design of mobile applications, is still scarcely explored in bioinformatics. In total, around 50 people were actively involved, including internal stakeholders and end-users. In addition to an optimised interface that meets users' needs and expectations, the new version of Expasy provides an up-to-date and accurate description of high-quality resources based on a standardised ontology, allowing to connect functionally-related resources. It was created in to centralize web-based glycoinformatics resources developed within an international network of glycoscientists. The hosted collection currently includes mainly databases and tools created and maintained at SIB but also links to a range of reference resources popular in the glycomics community. The scarcity of data bridging these two disciplines led us to design tools as interactive as possible based on database connectivity to facilitate data exploration and support hypothesis building. Glycomics ExPASy was designed, and is developed, with a long-term vision in close collaboration with glycoscientists to meet as closely as possible the growing needs of the community for glycoinformatics. It has now evolved, becoming an extensible and integrative portal accessing many scientific resources, databases and software tools in different areas of life sciences. The individual resources databases, web-based and downloadable software tools are hosted in a 'decentralized' way by different groups of the SIB Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics and partner institutions. Specifically, a single web portal provides a common entry point to a wide range of resources developed and operated by different SIB groups and external institutions.

It furthers the University's objective of excellence in research, scholarship, and education by publishing worldwide. Tobias, J, expassy.

The authors wish it to be known that, in their opinion, the first two authors should be regarded as joint First Authors. It has now evolved, becoming an extensible and integrative portal accessing many scientific resources, databases and software tools in different areas of life sciences. Specifically, a single web portal provides a common entry point to a wide range of resources developed and operated by different SIB groups and external institutions. Additionally, the availability and usage of resources are monitored. The portal is aimed for both expert users and people who are not familiar with a specific domain in life sciences. The new web interface provides, in particular, visual guidance for newcomers to ExPASy.

Federal government websites often end in. The site is secure. It has now evolved, becoming an extensible and integrative portal accessing many scientific resources, databases and software tools in different areas of life sciences. Specifically, a single web portal provides a common entry point to a wide range of resources developed and operated by different SIB groups and external institutions. Additionally, the availability and usage of resources are monitored. The portal is aimed for both expert users and people who are not familiar with a specific domain in life sciences.


Federal government websites often end in. The site is secure. Expasy is available at www. This website is free and open to all users and there is no login requirement. In , Expasy was redesigned through a user-centric approach, known as User-Centred Design UCD , whose aim is to create user interfaces that are easy-to-use, efficient and targeting the intended community. This approach, widely used in other fields such as marketing, e-commerce, and design of mobile applications, is still scarcely explored in bioinformatics.

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Edouard de Castro. Policies and ethics. In addition to the main site in Switzerland, seven mirror sites in different continents currently serve the user community. It provides access to a variety of databases and analytical tools dedicated to proteins and proteomics. Copy Download. Defining the contribution of microRNA-specific Argonautes with slicer capability in animals. Add comment Cancel. A 2D gel viewer is also available for download. The use of all ExPASy databases is free for academic users. Figure 2. Electrophoresis , 19 , — C, von Hippel P. Google Scholar Gill, S. Interactive, annotated similarity network of all proteins.

It is an extensible and integrative portal which provides access to over databases and software tools, developed by SIB Groups and supporting a range of life science and clinical research domains, from genomics, proteomics and structural biology, to evolution and phylogeny, systems biology and medical chemistry. Expasy provides information that is automatically aligned with the most recent release of each resources, thereby ensuring up-to-date information. Please contact the Expasy Helpdesk if you experience any issues — or simply to let us know what a difference the portal made for your purpose!

Electrophoresis , 18 , — Vassilios Ioannidis. Match a glycan substructure to a database of full structures. Community reviews. Download as PDF Printable version. Cooper, C. Article Contents Abstract. Electrophoresis , 19 , — Arnaud Fortier. Robin Liechti.

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