fair lawn recycling center

Fair lawn recycling center

The Fair Lawn Recycling information is now available on your phone. It's free, easy and in the palm of your hand.

The Recycling Division is responsible for planning, implementing and educating residents about the recycling program, overseeing the contractor collecting the recyclables, recycling enforcement, clean communities program implementation and overseeing the garbage contractor. Cali Carting is the Borough contractor doing the curbside collections. There is a second collection per week from the first full week of May through the last full week in September. With the exception of changes due to holidays, the recycling and garbage collection days are as follows:. View our list of streets to see what section you are in. Material may be placed to the curb after PM the night before the scheduled collection, but must be out by AM the day of collection. The following items are required to be recycled by law.

Fair lawn recycling center

No appointment Branches Yes No Yard waste - 3 ft length, bundled and tied. Cut and tied in 3 ft lengths. One room per collection. Must have inspection decal from Building Department. Resident may drop at recycling center. Styrofoam No Yes Regular garbage - contained to prevent being windblown Tables - non-metallic No Yes 1 piece of furniture bulk per garbage collection Tables - metallic Yes No Curbside by appointment or Recycling Center. Television - console or projection No Yes Regular garbage. See regulations for limitations Yogurt containers No Yes Regular garbage. Affordable Housing. Animal Control. Building Department.

Clothing must be in usable condition.

If you are a new resident of the City of Fairlawn, you may not be familiar with our City's trash disposal system. The Andrew E. Hours of operation are as follows:. First time users wishing to obtain a decal to use the facility, please see the homepage of our website. Scroll down to News and Announcements and click on Compactor Decal Registration to complete the application. Decals will be mailed to your Fairlawn address.

Not sure how to dispose of an item. Look for your item in the list below for a quick answer. Current Fire Rating: Low. Fires may start easily and spread quickly but there will be minimal involvement of deeper fuel layers or larger fuels. Resident Yes No. Groups :. Item Disposal List Not sure how to dispose of an item. Hard covers are garbage. Books, soft cover Recycling Put out on paper collection day.

Fair lawn recycling center

The Recycling Division is responsible for planning, implementing and educating residents about the recycling program, overseeing the contractor collecting the recyclables, recycling enforcement, clean communities program implementation and overseeing the garbage contractor. Cali Carting is the Borough contractor doing the curbside collections. There is a second collection per week from the first full week of May through the last full week in September. With the exception of changes due to holidays, the recycling and garbage collection days are as follows:. View our list of streets to see what section you are in. Material may be placed to the curb after PM the night before the scheduled collection, but must be out by AM the day of collection. The following items are required to be recycled by law. Placing recycling in the garbage costs Fair Lawn taxpayers in not only lost revenue from the sale of the recyclables, but also the added expense of the garbage tipping fees. Mixing unauthorized materials or garbage with the recycling results in the Borough being fined at the recycling market.


Hazardous Waste: Paints, chemicals, etc. Maximum weight for any container and contents is 40 pounds. Vital Records and Statistics. Window Decals - Established Residents Residents looking to report a change of license plate number, requesting a new decal because of a replacement windshield, or adding or deleting a vehicle can simply call the Service Department at with their request. Fluorescent Light Bulbs: CFL compact fluorescent bulbs and the long fluorescent bulbs are not permitted to be disposed of in the garbage. Municipal Clerk. View their collection dates. The decals are available in the Recycling office, calling or e-mail to recycling fairlawn. The Andrew E. Although the amount of radioactive material contained in these detectors is so small that it does not pose a risk to human health, they may not be disposed of in the garbage. One of the ways residents can reduce waste is by backyard composting. Containers and Quantities: No plastic bags. Current Fire Rating: Low. These toys are given to underprivileged children, including those in battered women's shelters.

No appointment Branches Yes No Yard waste - 3 ft length, bundled and tied.

Senior Center. They are considered a household hazardous waste and must be disposed of through a proper collection program. We must adhere to Second Chance Toy's regulations for acceptable materials: - The toy cannot fit through or into a toilet paper roll. Fluorescent Light Bulbs: CFL compact fluorescent bulbs and the long fluorescent bulbs are not permitted to be disposed of in the garbage. Decals are good for as long as you own the vehicle. One of the ways residents can reduce waste is by backyard composting. Employees may ask for proof of residency and take a picture of your license plate for follow-up if they deem it necessary. Paper may be placed out in a barrel if it displays a blue decal or in paper bags if they are secured to prevent being windblown and commingle must be in the Borough barrel or the container display a red decal. No missing pieces and fresh batteries installed. Compost: The Fair Lawn Recycling Center has free compost available for residents when it is available from our contractor. Unless a hazardous waste, liquids can be mixed with kitty litter to make it solid and then placed in a plastic bag for garbage collection Recyclables as defined in the recycling section. Legal Notice: Tipping the crew or paying them to take extra material is strictly forbidden and punishable under the law.

3 thoughts on “Fair lawn recycling center

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