fallout 4 leather item id

Fallout 4 leather item id

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Leather armor is a multi-piece set of armor in Fallout 4. Leather armor consists of five separate pieces - the chest, both arms and both legs. Like with all other armor pieces, each can be worn over clothing to combine the stat bonuses, however certain outfits may occupy some or all of the armor slots - for instance, the red dress occupies legs and torso slots. This armor set is fashioned out of belts, straps, braces and pads. Like with other armor sets, various mods can change the look of the armor pieces for instance the shadowed leather mod dyes the armor black.

Fallout 4 leather item id


And now before you flame me, remember this: I am not the idiot who is asking for item codes when you can get them all in game and who makes a thread instead of looking it up on internet on how to find codes. Vault-Tec Workshop.


Heavy leather armor is an armor set-type item in Fallout 4. One of the many, many variants of leather armor finely crafted from tanned brahmin hide. The heavy variant is essentially a full body suit. The central piece is a full leather jack with a pair of medieval-type pauldrons, worn together with a bandoleer with three pouches, chest carrying straps with small storage pockets, a large utility belt with more carry pouches, and terminates in a groin protector. The legs are protected by chaps from hardened leather covering their entire length, with additional protective leather elements sown on the thighs, knees, and shins for extra protection. The arms are the least protected element, with just elbow pads and large forearms.

Fallout 4 leather item id

Sturdy leather armor is an armor set-type item in Fallout 4. One of the many, many variants of leather armor finely crafted from tanned brahmin hide. The sturdy variant consists of two large auxiliary and shoulder protectors, set up asymmetrically, with the larger once on the right. A bandoleer with three pockets holds up a large, treated leather flap covering the heart and right lung, a set of chest carry belts and pouches, and a waist utility belt. The belt contains no less than two carry pouches on the sides, two ammunition pouches on the back, and a groin protector. The set is completed by large forearm protectors, shin guards, leather knee pads, and most important, thigh protectors enclosing the entire side. Leather armor consists of five different pieces that make up the entire set, one for each limb, and as well as a torso piece. They can be worn over thin clothing with ease, and can be modified with standard armor mods, although only material mods change the armor's appearance. Leather armor is tilted more toward protection against energy weapons, although it does protect against ballistic based weaponry.

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Bansheebutt View Profile View Posts. Store Page. Originally posted by LiquidWolf :. Like other forms of moddable armor, leather armor takes different appearance when modded. Creation Club. Atomic Shop Apparel Bundles C. Power armor. Loading screen slide. Steel 4. Boiled leather armor on an armor rack.

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Bansheebutt View Profile View Posts. There's no "Sturdy versions" you can spawn via the console, but if you spawn 10 regular pieces of Leather Torso's for instance, some of those will be Sturdy Leather Torso's. Mansen View Profile View Posts. Last edited by Crimsomrider ; 19 Nov, pm. Discussions Rules and Guidelines. Posts: Fallout Wiki Explore. Hey guys, I know it's a lame thread but I've been searching like a madman in the gameworld for the armor itself and on the Internet for the item codes and have been unsuccessful with each. This armor set is fashioned out of belts, straps, braces and pads. Adhesive 4.

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