fallout 4 uss constitution

Fallout 4 uss constitution

Originally built infallout 4 uss constitution, the USS Constitution was once the pinnacle of naval superiority, but with time it eventually became obsolete and was dry-docked at the Boston Navy Yard and turned into its primary tourist attraction. Staffed by robots all programmed with historically accurate personalities of what a crew of the Constitution would be like to emulate its hay day with a charismatic sentry botIronsidesas the captain.

The USS Constitution quest is one of the most memorable experiences in Fallout 4 both because of the characters that are introduced in the form of robots and raiders and also because of the explorable ship, which creates one of the best atmospheres in the entire game. Players that want to find out more about the USS Constitution, both the ship and the quest, may be wondering if there's anything they missed while completing this side mission. There is a ton of history that the player can learn about the ship and even a few pieces of information about the quest and its related assets that are easily overlooked when exploring the USS Constitution for the first time. There are multiple skill checks that take place during the quest, including an Intelligence skill check. It is easy to miss these skill checks since there are so few of them, and they are not mandatory, but it is one of the most unique attributes of the ship and quest. The Sole Survivor was either a military veteran or a lawyer depending on their gender; however, a lot of players don't know this because it is rarely ever mentioned in the game.

Fallout 4 uss constitution

Log In Sign Up. What do you need help on? Cancel X. Topic Archived. Sign Up for free or Log In if you already have an account to be able to post messages, change how messages are displayed, and view media in posts. Ridelwofr 8 years ago 1. I've climbed the building it's on and all it leads me to is a dead end into the ships hull Ugh, after the monorail MILA quest I'm getting less patient with these quests where it's a problem simply getting to the location specified on the map. MNSpectre 8 years ago 2. It's a little tucked away. Go in through the first floor of the building, then go up to the 2nd floor. Look for a hallway on the left back wall with more steps up to the entrance. SirMang 8 years ago 3. You can get on it via the ground as well Jaspooty 8 years ago 4.

This also counts for anything that is placed in a container. After completing the USS Constitution quest, the player must travel on top of the skyscraper and talk to Captain Ironsides. Cancel X.


Version: 2. To acquire the mission, just approach the ship which is located east of Bunker Hill in Charlestown. The ship is located east of Bunker Hill and it can easily be seen from the waterfront street. Speak to Lookout, the robot sentry near the ship. You will be scanned. It will assert that you have been conscripted into the Congressional Army-just roll with it. This will activate the mission. The Captain is on the bridge and requests your presence.

Fallout 4 uss constitution

Last Voyage of the U. Constitution is a side quest in Fallout 4. The Sole Survivor has been drafted by Ironsides to assist him and his robot crew in their quest to return the USS Constitution to the ocean. Finishing this conversation starts the quest. Enter the bank building and turn north, up the clutter ramp to the second floor and up the stairs to the third floor.

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The inside of the ship consists of three decks filled with supplies and items along with several turrets , protectrons , and some Mister Handies located throughout. You visit this fine vessel in trying times. Why the hell are you talking like that? Suggested merge and splits Template headquarters. Cancel X. Ugh, after the monorail MILA quest I'm getting less patient with these quests where it's a problem simply getting to the location specified on the map. The captain's quarters Master locked come with a full bed which can be used after completing Last Voyage of the U. Nuka-Cola Quantum. It's really poorly shown, but that dead end in the hull has a hatch in the ceiling you can't miss it if you know where it is. There are a ton of places in the Commonwealth that companions comment on when they are brought nearby. Took me forever to find it too. Boston Common. Ask A Question. The Commonwealth individual locations. Fallout 4 locations.

The ship is quite a sight, as few have seen a colonial-era warship stuck on top of a building. After you arrive, you will eventually be given the choice to side with Ironsides or Scavengers, which can be difficult.

MNSpectre 8 years ago 2. Start a Wiki. You visit this fine vessel in trying times. Cancel X. What players may not know about it is that the Broadsider uses a special cannonball ammo type. However, Captain Ironsides doesn't have this feature when he dies, possibly because Bethesda didn't want to include it because the robot needs to die during the quest if the player sides with the raiders. You can get on it via the ground as well It warms the circuits. What do you need help on? Navigator : "Aye, Captain. Far Harbor. Brotherhood of Steel. What it's doing up on a building is a mystery. Boston Harbor. Suggested merge and splits Template headquarters.

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