fallout 76 concrete farming

Fallout 76 concrete farming

Sign in or create an account to enjoy GINX perks, enter competitions and access exclusive features. In Fallout 76crafting is one of the main mechanics that is in the game.

The expansive world of Fallout 76 is filled with plenty to explore as you discover new places, monsters, and items in the multiplayer entry in the Fallout series. As you explore the wastelands, you will quickly find that there is a lot to do and so much to uncover, which can be overwhelming at times. One of the many valuable items to use for crafting is concrete. Concrete is, of course, used a lot when building in your C. The most reliable technique for getting concrete is the classic solution in open-world games of simply finding the item out in the world. A quick way to find about ten bags of cement is by heading to the Monorail Elevator. Head up the elevator and walk up the stairs , and in the high area, you will find several piles of cement bags, which you can pick up as you walk through the area, moving carefully along the wooden planks.

Fallout 76 concrete farming

If Vault Dwellers are endeavoring to expand their base camp with platforms, building foundations, water pumps, and other structural equipment in Fallout 76 , they will need to procure a moderate amount of Concrete. This crafting component can be acquired from multiple sources across post-apocalyptic Appalachia, West Virginia. All these items can be taken to a Workbench, where they can be scrapped into materials, such as Concrete blocks. Concrete can be found throughout the open world of Appalachia in Fallout 76 , but if Vault Dwellers are looking to farm this crafting component, they will need to search specific areas on the map. One such location is the Abandoned Bog Town, a landmark slightly west of Pylon V and far north of the town of Watoga. Here, players will find several blocks of raw Concrete but not an abundance of Bags of Cement. To find the cement, adventurers must first go up the fire exit stairwells in the alleyway between the two primary buildings. After reaching the rooftop of the largest building in Abandoned Bog Town, YouTuber Shr1m has directed players to drop into the elevator shaft and go down two floors. If players investigate the area near the hole in the wall, the room's worktable, and the shelves, they will find around eight Bags of Cement to scrap into the Concrete resource in Fallout Additionally, adventurers can drop to the next floor below to find four more bags by the elevator shaft, which means that the Abandoned Bog Town has around a dozen Bags of Cement. Vault Dwellers can take the active elevator to the top portion of the structure to discover around ten Bags of Cement. Be careful while traversing the top areas, as there is no guard railing to prevent explorers from falling.

On this page, we will explain what is the best method to farm concrete in Fallout Publisher: Bethesda, Bethesda Softworks.


Used for:. Camp Building - Prefabs. Camp Building - Decorations. Camp Building - Floor Decor. Camp Building - Resources and Utilities. Bulk Cement. Weapon - Lead Pipe. Weapon Mod - Heavy Sledgehammer Mod. Weapon Mod - Heavy Sheepsquatch Club.

Fallout 76 concrete farming

If Vault Dwellers are endeavoring to expand their base camp with platforms, building foundations, water pumps, and other structural equipment in Fallout 76 , they will need to procure a moderate amount of Concrete. This crafting component can be acquired from multiple sources across post-apocalyptic Appalachia, West Virginia. All these items can be taken to a Workbench, where they can be scrapped into materials, such as Concrete blocks. Concrete can be found throughout the open world of Appalachia in Fallout 76 , but if Vault Dwellers are looking to farm this crafting component, they will need to search specific areas on the map. One such location is the Abandoned Bog Town, a landmark slightly west of Pylon V and far north of the town of Watoga. Here, players will find several blocks of raw Concrete but not an abundance of Bags of Cement. To find the cement, adventurers must first go up the fire exit stairwells in the alleyway between the two primary buildings.

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There are actually only a few items in Fallout 76 that actually turns into Concrete Scrap , which is the material players need to actually use and build items. One such location is the Abandoned Bog Town, a landmark slightly west of Pylon V and far north of the town of Watoga. If you are interested in building out your CAMP, you will need a lot of different materials in the game. Just be careful of other players who might want to use this area to farm concrete themselves. ESRB: M. There are a couple of reasons why we choose this as the best spot to farm concrete. Vault Dwellers can take the active elevator to the top portion of the structure to discover around ten Bags of Cement. Once you have cleared out the area, look for a dilapidated house in the centre of the town with a wooden staircase leading up to a floor with yellow and blue square tiles. Picture: Bethesda In Fallout 76 , concrete can definitely be considered a rare material that players will want to collect. Sign in or create an account to enjoy GINX perks, enter competitions and access exclusive features. These items that you can craft will need a lot of materials to build them, like wood.


These items that you can craft will need a lot of materials to build them, like wood. Here is our comprehensive guide on the best spots in Appalachia to farm concrete so players can have as much as they need for their projects. The main trouble with farming concrete here is that it is an incredibly high-level area, and if you are just starting out, you will find it very difficult to get through the town to reach the bags of cement. Concrete is, of course, used a lot when building in your C. With the limited amount of Concrete in the game, the best location to farm concrete in Fallout 76 is the Abandoned Bog Town. One of the biggest materials that players will need to get to build out CAMPs to their full potential is concrete. Although there are concrete roads all over Appalachia, concrete that you can actaully use is harder to find. These factors make the Abandoned Bog Town the best place to farm concrete in Fallout Here is a list of items that can be broken down to Concrete Scrap in Fallout Once you have cleared out the area, look for a dilapidated house in the centre of the town with a wooden staircase leading up to a floor with yellow and blue square tiles. One such location is the Abandoned Bog Town, a landmark slightly west of Pylon V and far north of the town of Watoga. The expansive world of Fallout 76 is filled with plenty to explore as you discover new places, monsters, and items in the multiplayer entry in the Fallout series.

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