fallout 76 radstag meat

Fallout 76 radstag meat

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Radstags are disturbing mutations born of the radioactive climate left by the Great War. Yet despite their post-nuclear aesthetic, these genetically mutated deer still provide for settlers and raiders alike in Fallout You can harvest their meat, hides, and blood for survival and trade aka crafting and questing. While these deer are still fairly commonplace even after the fallout, there are specific locations you should hunt first if you need the kills or materials pronto. Updated on February 26, , by Branden Lizardi: With regular updates and the continued support for events like Fasnacht and Meat Week, there's always more reason to need to stock up on Radstag meat or hide. So whether you're just stocking up on meat who doesn't love that extra carry capacity? Radstags don't necessarily roam expansive regions throughout Appalachia.

Fallout 76 radstag meat

Radstag meat is a consumable in Fallout The raw, uncooked meat of a radstag. It can be consumed raw to satisfy a very large amount of hunger with a very high dose of radiation and high chance for disease or can be cooked for additional benefits. It can also be used to craft explosive bait after starting the Trappers segment of the Flavors of Mayhem quest. Fallout Wiki Explore. Fallout games. Fallout Atomic Shop Apparel Bundles C. Allies Creatures and robots Factions Vendors. Ammunition Apparel and armor C. Nukastaff Account management Discord Vault Academy.

Appears in. It can be consumed raw to satisfy a very large amount of hunger with a very high dose of radiation and high chance for disease or can be cooked for additional benefits. While these deer are still fairly commonplace even after the fallout, there are specific locations you should hunt first if you need the kills or materials pronto, fallout 76 radstag meat.


Radstags are creatures found in Appalachia. Radstags are common deer that have been recently mutated as a result of exposure to radiation in the fallout of the Great War. Because of this, radstags, like brahmin , have two heads, less fur and are sometimes covered in cysts. Radstags are descended from deer that survived the Great War, resulting in mutations such as bicephaly and the presence of a third pair of atrophied legs. These two smaller legs hang from the upper part of the chest.

Fallout 76 radstag meat

Sometimes the dailies in Fallout 76 have you hunting down mutated two headed deer known as Radstags. While you can wander the wasteland trying to find them, you can just head to these best places to farm radstags in FO You want the meat to cook with, the hide for leather, need to shoot it with the Vox Syringer, or killing a certain number is one of your challenges.

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Two can be found on hanging radstags at the campsite in Flatwoods. All trademarks are property of their respective owners in the US and other countries. Yeah, it's nice. Per page: 15 30 Some geospatial data on this website is provided by geonames. Originally posted by Sr Humungus :. Sci-fi Fallout. Radstags are disturbing mutations born of the radioactive climate left by the Great War. View mobile website. Razer View Profile View Posts. The Most Reliable Radstag Locations. Between the two locations, along Route 87, Radstag will appear in random numbers. Nukastaff Account management Discord Vault Academy. Posts: 9. Radstag meat Fallout

Radstags are disturbing mutations born of the radioactive climate left by the Great War. Yet despite their post-nuclear aesthetic, these genetically mutated deer still provide for settlers and raiders alike in Fallout

All rights reserved. Yet despite their post-nuclear aesthetic, these genetically mutated deer still provide for settlers and raiders alike in Fallout Originally posted by Bored Peon :. And this was always the case with Radstag meat. Between the two locations, along Route 87, Radstag will appear in random numbers. Explore Wikis Community Central. So whether you're just stocking up on meat who doesn't love that extra carry capacity? That way i can carry three more guns While these deer are still fairly commonplace even after the fallout, there are specific locations you should hunt first if you need the kills or materials pronto. Atomic Shop Apparel Bundles C.

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