fallout shelter wiki

Fallout shelter wiki

Fallout Wiki Explore. Fallout games. Fallout

The game was released on the iOS App Store the same day, after the conference ended. The game allows the player to create their own vault and thereby become an overseer of its inhabitants. It is the seventh overall game in the Fallout series. On October 11, , as part of the Fallout 25th Anniversary , the mobile version of the game received a content update for the first time in over four years. The content update has a new quest line featuring new enemies, more weapons and Dwellers, and a new celebration room theme.

Fallout shelter wiki

Fallout Shelter is a free-to-play construction and management simulation video game developed by Bethesda Game Studios , with assistance by Behaviour Interactive , and published by Bethesda Softworks. The game is also available on Tesla vehicles. The game tasks the player with building and effectively managing their own Vault, a fallout shelter. Upon release, Fallout Shelter received mostly positive reviews. Critics enjoyed the game's extension of the Fallout universe, the core gameplay, and its visual style. Common criticisms included the game's lack of depth, its use of unnecessary microtransactions , and its lack of an ending. In Fallout Shelter , players build and manage their Vault as an Overseer, its leader and coordinator. Players guide and direct the citizens of the Vault, known as dwellers, and need to keep them happy through meeting their needs such as power, food, and water. Each character's SPECIAL profile affects their ability to generate different resources, [3] and their statistics can be increased by training them in rooms devoted to each stat. Balancing resources such as food, water, and power is an important aspect of the game.

Players are not required to spend money in order to accelerate long timers or processes, fallout shelter wiki [5] instead having the option to rush the room at the risk of triggering an incident — such as fires or "radroach" infestations.

Fallout Shelter is a Free-to-Play, mobile and PC, base building game, in which the player builds their own Vault and takes the role of Overseer. In the game you expand your Vault and try to keep the citizens who dwell within happy. Along with the port, new items, characters, weapons and enemies would be launching for both the mobile and PC versions of the game. The player takes the role of the Overseer and focuses on expanding the Vault and keeping its Dwellers happy. Vault Dwellers level up and can eventually reproduce to create more dwellers within the Vault. The Overseer can send Dwellers out into the Wasteland to accomplish various tasks, go on quests and search for items.

Characters within the game range from enemies to your own citizens. Vault citizens are known as dwellers and players have taken to calling enemies invaders. Rare and legendary dwellers are found in lunchboxes. Legendary dwellers arrive wearing a legendary outfit and a rare weapon. Rare and legendary dwellers keep their outfit when entering the vault, rather than immediately switching to a vault suit. There are 23 legendary dwellers to collect. Legendary dwellers are named after characters from Fallout 3, Fallout 4, and Fallout

Fallout shelter wiki

Fallout Shelter is a Free-to-Play, mobile and PC, base building game, in which the player builds their own Vault and takes the role of Overseer. In the game you expand your Vault and try to keep the citizens who dwell within happy. Along with the port, new items, characters, weapons and enemies would be launching for both the mobile and PC versions of the game.

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Ola Balola. Fallout Shelter is a simulation game in which the player runs a Vault-Tec Corporation vault as the overseer. Putting two dwellers with the same surname in the living rooms or any of its upgrades will trigger a conversation between the characters citing "Nothing like hanging out at home with my family. Sign in to edit. The update added outfits and decorations. Retrieved June 22, The ultimate source for all things Fallout since and constantly growing! Many of the dwellers, weapons, outfits, and pets are featured from other Fallout games, most noticeably Fallout 3 and Fallout 4. June 10, If in doubt, ask other editors for help!

Fallout Wiki Explore.

The game is also available on Tesla vehicles. Just keep in mind our policies and guidelines. Retrieved May 22, The Verge. Fallout Retrieved January 25, The Guardian. Archived from the original on November 17, The game was released on the iOS App Store the same day, after the conference ended. Was this guide helpful? Vox Media. Raiders attacking a vault's armory. Game Rant, LLC. During the Bethesda E3 Showcase on June 10, , the game was announced and later released that day for the PlayStation 4 and Nintendo Switch platforms, making it the very first game in the Fallout series to be available on a Nintendo platform, [37] not counting the Fallout pinball adaptation that was released as part of the Bethesda Pinball collection in late for Zen Pinball 2 , which was available on the Wii U. Current Wiki.

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