family name origin search

Family name origin search

Poniższe tłumaczenia pochodzą z zewnętrznych źródeł i mogą być niedokładne. Dalsze tłumaczenia oferuje polsko-rosyjski słownik bab. Język strony en English pl Polski.

Approximately 12, people bear this surname. It may also appear in the variant forms: Lenárt , Lénart or Lénárt. For other possible spellings of Lenart click here. The last name is the 42, th most common last name on earth It is held by around 1 in , people. Lenart occurs mostly in Europe, where 79 percent of Lenart reside; 66 percent reside in Eastern Europe and 64 percent reside in West Slavic Europe. Lenart is also the , st most commonly occurring first name in the world, held by 1, people. The surname is most commonly used in Poland, where it is held by 7, people, or 1 in 4,

Family name origin search

When possible, I give name information found in works by various German, Lithuanian, Polish, Russian, and Ukrainian experts. If I can find no expert analysis of a name, I check dictionaries and other sources for information on plausible roots for that name, making it clear that this is just my interpretation of what I find in those sources. Information from a specific family's history is likely to tell you more about why and how a particular name came to be associated with that family than generalized information typically given by name experts. I cannot guarantee the accuracy and relevance of the information I give, precisely because I have no access to detailed materials on individual persons or families. The circumstances that caused your family to use a name might differ from those that applied to another family's use of the same name. As of 24 October , I no longer include e-mail addresses in posted name analyses. If you wish to contact the person who asked me about a particular name, write me and I will forward your note to the most recent address I have for that person. Her maiden name was spelled Mentus but she told my aunt that it was originally spelled Mietus and that her father had come from a part of Poland ruled by Germany. It was almost certainly spelled Miętus, where ę is pronounced like "en" -- so it would sound a lot like "Mentus," and that's why it came to be spelled that way. This name comes from a word miętus , the burbot, a kind of fish Lota vulgaris. Surnames from the names of animals and fish are quite common in Poland; this might mean an ancestor caught or sold this fish, or somehow reminded people of it -- all we can know for sure is that there was something about him that made this name seem appropriate. As of there were Poles named Miętus; the largest numbers lived in the provinces of Warsaw , Nowy Sacz , and Siedlce , but there were people by that name all over the country I'm afraid I don't have access to further details such as first names and addresses.

They actually teased her.

The study of regional anthroponymy is the basis for dialectology, lexicography, etymology, word formation, and comparative linguistics. This paper considers various principles of classification of surnames in general, and in particular it analyses surnames of Ukrainians from Eastern Galicia, motivated by their own Polish names. The source of the surnames was the telephone books of Ivano-Frankivsk, Lviv, and Ternopil. The sample consists of surnames, out of which 57 names were used: 41 male and 16 female ones. Most names became the basis for the formation of not one but many surnames. The materials and results of the research can be used in writing comparative works on Ukrainian and Slavic onomastics, in research on lexicology and history of language.

The name Search came to England with the ancestors of the Search family in the Norman Conquest of The Search family lived in Essex. Baltimore: Genealogical Publishing, From twenty to twenty-five surnames separately spelt are the offspring, and many have a large number of representatives. Wiltshire: Heraldry Today, LVI arsas et pensatas'lb. The Sayer would therefore be a crown officer who assayed the precious metals. London: John Russel Smith,

Family name origin search

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Any information you can provide would be greatly appreciated. Keep learning Polish with us! The origin of the name is probably as a kind of nickname or by-name. Do you need help with tracing your Polish ancestors? Forgot your password? As of there were 8 Polish citizens named Winkelman , and 77 named Winkelmann for all intents and purposes, the single and double n have no great significance. In some cases, when a child was born, a suffix would be added to his name. Lenart Surname The meaning of this surname is not listed. Sign in. So it's hard to say under which spelling your relatives would show up in modern records. As I say, 50 years ago there were probably a lot more. Your name and surname.

Approximately people bear this surname. Same as the U.

It seems probable to me that the surname comes from these place names. As of there was no one named Cwojdak, there were 32 Poles named Cwojda, and 14 named Cwojdrak. Osielski is not an overly common name in Poland, as of there were only Osielski's, scattered in small numbers all over the country; the only provinces in which more than 10 Osielski's lived were Bydgoszcz 10 , Gdansk 13 , Katowice 18 , Lublin 11 and Wloclawek 45 -- Wloclawek is in central Poland, Bydgoszcz and Gdansk in the northern to northwestern part, Katowice in the southcentral part, and Lublin in the southeastern part, so the name is really scattered! Powiedz mi twoje nazwisko. Zyskowski is a moderately common name in Poland; as of there were 1, Polish citizens with that name. This surname is not very common -- as of there were some Polish citizens named Białaszewski. So it's entirely possible this surname could have started out meaning nothing more than "kin of the cheerful one. Back to list. Approximately 11, people bear this surname Most prevalent in:. My name is Kasia Scontsas. There was also another village called Stelmachowo.

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