father gascoigne daughter

Father gascoigne daughter

Log In Sign Up. Are there any differences in what happens to her depending on what you tell her?

Young Yharnam Girl is a non-player character in Bloodborne. This character can be found in Central Yharnam , behind a window. She asks that you find her mother, Viola, who has gone to look for Father Gascoigne. It can be seen on the rooftop. Just go up the stairs and drop on the roof. Choose whether to give her the Brooch or withhold it withholding means use it for yourself, don't pick it up, or store it in the Hunter's Dream.

Father gascoigne daughter

Viola is a character in Bloodborne. Viola is Father Gascoigne 's wife, and mother of the Young Girl. She appears to be blonde and has a unique black dress. The Hunter is tasked by their daughter to find her. By the time the Hunter finds her, she lies dead in the Tomb of Oedon. Her Red Jeweled Brooch lies with her. Viola is Father Gascoigne 's wife. She often went out to take her husband home after a long night of the hunt since he never came back from the hunt. Gascoigne was often too blood-drunk to remember who she was, so she carried a Tiny Music Box , which plays one of his favorite songs, to remind him who he was. This night, however, she forgot her Tiny Music Box. What followed next might have brought Gascoigne over to the true edge of madness. Players may encounter the house of Viola and her husband. Inside will be the Young Girl , their daughter, who will politely beg the Hunter to find her beloved mother alive. This is already a failed quest and players can only give the harrowing news to the young child, bluntly, or, they may tell her to seek refuge.

Yes, okay!

She can be found inside a house in Central Yharnam , at the top of a ladder that leads to a shortcut back into the fountain plaza. She is revealed to be the daughter of Viola and Father Gascoigne. Upon talking to her, she will ask the Hunter to find her mother, who has gone out searching for her father. Upon accepting her request, she will explain that her mother wears a Red Jeweled Brooch , and that "you won't miss it. If the Red Jeweled Brooch is given back to her, she will begin to cry, and the dialogue ends, she will no longer be able to be interacted with.

Young Yharnam Girl is a non-player character in Bloodborne. This character can be found in Central Yharnam , behind a window. She asks that you find her mother, Viola, who has gone to look for Father Gascoigne. It can be seen on the rooftop. Just go up the stairs and drop on the roof. Choose whether to give her the Brooch or withhold it withholding means use it for yourself, don't pick it up, or store it in the Hunter's Dream. If you give the Brooch to her she will no longer talk to you.

Father gascoigne daughter

Young Yharnam Girl is a non-player character in Bloodborne. This character can be found in Central Yharnam , behind a window. She asks that you find her mother, Viola, who has gone to look for Father Gascoigne. It can be seen on the rooftop. Just go up the stairs and drop on the roof. Choose whether to give her the Brooch or withhold it withholding means use it for yourself, don't pick it up, or store it in the Hunter's Dream. If you give the Brooch to her she will no longer talk to you. Eventually she will leave her home. Defeating the pig in the sewers will yield a Red Messenger Ribbon. If you don't give her the Brooch, and have visited the Oedon Chapel about it being a safe haven, you can tell her to go there for safety.

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I came back to the window after killing Rom expecting her sister and heard a man's voice, as far as i know this isn't on the wiki, But he tells you to find the "Ancient shrouded church". Whether the player tells her that her mother has been killed doesn't alter her fate. And if that were the case she could have survived. Then please, will you look for my mum? You never see the little girl from the beginning, but considering her family she must be white as well. Defeating the pig in the sewers will yield a Red Messenger Ribbon. You're spoiling for no reason. Please be careful out there. A greedy sounding older sister going "yay, I got the ribbon, who cares that my little sister is dead"? It dropped the Red Messenger Ribbon.

Father Gascoigne is a character and boss in Bloodborne. Father Gascoigne is an experienced hunter who has succumbed to the blood-drunkenness of the hunt and, as such, descended into a frenzied killing spree. He is armed with the Hunter Axe and a modified version of the Hunter Pistol that acts like the Hunter Blunderbuss , and he also wears his titular Gascoigne's Set.

Show Comments. Gascoigne's Cap Hunter attire worn by Father Gascoigne. Droplet blood gems are special gems that adapt to various weapons and shapes. Mum knows I'm very brave, and you're very kind. Side Quest PS4. At least Her Older Sister will appear in the window after you either gave the Brooch or told her about the Chapel, and have killed Rom the Vacuous Spider. Two names can be made out, however faintly. Regardless of what players decide, this story ends badly either way. Think of it like this I am gonna try inside the clinic next. Miss hunter?

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