fingers crossed nyt

Fingers crossed nyt

This puzzle is personal. It got its start when I faced a scary medical procedure in April,and thought to myself, "Wish me luck.

We have found the following possible answers for: Fingers crossed! The answer we have below has a total of 6 Letters. This crossword puzzle was edited by Will Shortz. Already solved and are looking for the other crossword clues from the daily puzzle? Our website is updated daily with the most popular iOS and Android game walkthroughs. Any unauthorized use, including re-publication in whole or in part, without permission, is strictly prohibited and legal actions will be taken.

Fingers crossed nyt

Matthew Arnold has been characterised as a sage writer , a type of writer who chastises and instructs the reader on contemporary social issues. Long time reader, first time blogger. My name is Zach and I'm honored to sub for the day while Rex is on vacation! Coincidentally I am also on vacation with my family at the moment, so I got to do this puzzle with my mom, which has been a long standing tradition between us "I may not go to gay bars with you, but I sure love doing puzzles with you! I was prepared to self-deprecatingly compare my sluggish Wednesday time to Rex's typically brisk one, but either this puzzle was on the easy side or having two brains working through this really made a difference, because we managed !!! Regardless of the reason, it felt pretty breezy overall. This was one of those themed puzzles that you're nearly finished with by the time you get to the revealer, so it elicits more of an "I'm impressed they pulled that off" reaction, rather than provide an additional layer for you to crack open and solve. But I still enjoyed it nonetheless. Who knew. At the end I asked "are there any clues I got that you wouldn't have?

Mars exploration vehicles 7 little words. Nice write up Zach, fingers crossed nyt. From yesterday -- You've probably said that you live in Brooklyn many times, Joe Dipinto, but how could you forget that I have no memory?


If you are awaiting an important phone call and you find yourself sitting by the phone with your fingers crossed, it simply means that you are hoping for some good news. This post will help you uncover the same and also explain why this gesture is used while lying! Imagine this situation. You asked a girl out for a date maybe through a text or a phone call and all this while you were holding your index finger over the middle one, why? Because if you do so, it is highly unlikely that she will reject you. And she said yes to your proposal, your mind started thinking crossing your finger really works! Believing in luck makes us do such things, for instance some people wear lucky charms during their exams or an important interview which they wish to crack, some wear a particular color outfit on Thursdays.

Fingers crossed nyt

The answer for Fingers crossed! Fingers crossed is a phrase that is often used to express hope or anticipation. It is also the title of the crossword clue from the New York Times on February 3, The clue is "With hope, 2 words" and the answer is "Fingers crossed". This phrase is often used when someone is wishing for good luck or hoping for a positive outcome. It is a way of expressing optimism and faith that something will turn out well.

Jake lillis

Even though the thumb is not technically a finger it wold have been great to put a thumb in there somewhere, away from the fingers. Still fun to do. I started a grid at that time, anchored by that phrase. Nice write-up, Zach. Thank you crossword gods. Fun puzzle but felt like a Tuesday. Went with W, as seemed the most logical. And having never been to law school, I did not know Certorari. Certiorari - a star in the Alpha Centauri system? Heading to Williamsburg for a few days to run a 5 miler in the Yorktown Battlefield on the 4th. A flat Tuesday time for a Wednesday puzzle that actually didn't feel easy. Those it had were pretty easy to get off a few crosses.

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Maybe the nth time is a charm. A breath of fresh air. Some are fingers, some are toes, and some are thumbs, and the knuckleheads amongst us have ten thumbs. News Technology. I was taught long ago that people have 8 fingers and 2 thumbs. The answer we have below has a total of 6 Letters. Latest Posts. Wait a minute, does that mean something I have a right to is called an "entitlement? Well, what's easy for someone else is hard for me. Thank you! I grew up in Wisconsin, and the hardest thing about visiting home is adjusting to the mealtimes.

3 thoughts on “Fingers crossed nyt

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