Foot doctor winchester va

Our practice is dedicated to providing quality foot and ankle care to patients of all ages.

Welcome to Foot and Ankle Center - Dr. Alex Gorenshtein, Dr. Nadav Avner, Dr. Roland Ramdass. At Foot and Ankle Center, we believe that a doctor and patient become a team for treating an individual's feet. Nadav Avner, and Dr.

Foot doctor winchester va

During the first visit, we make sure to obtain important background information, like your medical history, and give you time to get to know your doctor. To understand what to expect for your first visit to our practice, please read through this page. You'll find all the practical information you need, such as a map and directions to our office, practice hours, payment policies and more. There's also background information about our committed staff and our first visit procedures. You can even save some time at your first visit by printing out and completing the patient forms in advance of your appointment. Our practice is working together to realize a shared vision of uncompromising excellence in podiatric care. Being well-prepared for your appointment will ensure that the doctor has all of the needed information to provide the best possible care for you. It also will help relieve any unnecessary anxiety you may be feeling. Educate yourself on your symptoms by reviewing the content on this Web site. Also, take some time to review our staff page and familarize yourself with the doctors. We look forward to your first visit.

Our Locations Find us on the map.

As podiatrists, we are equipped to handle all ailments afflicting the human foot and ankle. From simple palliative care to complex reconstructive and trauma surgery, you can trust our medical team to tailor your treatment plans to suit your individual needs. Our patients' well-being and satisfaction is our top priority, and we strive to achieve this in a relaxed, comfortable, and professional environment. As foot and ankle surgeons, we utilize the latest and most advanced techniques for the best outcomes and speedy recovery of our patients. This practice has been built on referrals from the physician, specialist, and existing patients.

Dodd graduated from the Temple School of Podiatric Medicine in He joined Dr. Peter Holtz in practice in Winchester, VA in and was the first podiatrist to have surgical privileges and perform surgery at Winchester Medical Center. He has been very involved during his twenty plus years in Winchester having served as president of the Surgi-Center of Winchester, Chairman of the Board at the Surgi-Center and a member of the Winchester Medical Center Executive Committee. His surgical focus has been in the areas of reconstructive foot surgery, wound care, and diabetic foot salvage. Dodd was born and raised in Burtonsville, Maryland. He attended Bucknell University and earned his degree in biology in

Foot doctor winchester va

Welcome to Foot and Ankle Center - Dr. Alex Gorenshtein, Dr. Nadav Avner, Dr. Roland Ramdass. At Foot and Ankle Center, we believe that a doctor and patient become a team for treating an individual's feet. Nadav Avner, and Dr.

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Hours of Operation Our Regular Schedule. There's also background information about our committed staff and our first visit procedures. Our Location Find us on the map. Designed By Physician WebPages. James R. The injury usually results from excessive upward bending of the big toe joint. At Foot and Ankle Center, we believe that a doctor and patient become a team for treating an individual's feet. Featured Services Click to find out more. Wednesday: am - pm. With the help of our professional staff, they also follow up to make sure that generally pain is relieved, problems are resolved and your health improves. Appointment Request.


Jessica Inthavongxay, DPM. Suite Webbed Toes Webbed toes also known as syndactyly is a rare condition seen in approximately one in 2, births. Arnold, DPM. Go to accessible site Close modal window. Hours of Operation Our Regular Schedule. Saturday: am - pm. From simple palliative care to complex reconstructive and trauma surgery, you can trust our medical team to tailor your treatment plans to suit your individual needs. Varicose veins are usually due to improperly functioning valves within the veins. What Is Flatfoot? Nobody can match our level of care, attention to detail, and ease of treatment. Serving the community through private practice in Winchester, Woodstock and Charles Town.

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