For my derelict beloved
And much more top manga are available here. You can use the Bookmark button to get notifications about the latest chapters next time when you come visit MangaBuddy. That will be so grateful if you let MangaBuddy be your favorite manga site. Hope you'll come to join us and become a manga reader in this community, for my derelict beloved.
You must Register or Login to post a comment. I hate the og fml. What a pretentious and hypocrite bitch. If she truly hated the idea of Kael cleaning her path, she should have abandoned the idea of going through that marraige. Kael killed so she could have her happy ending. And as if you could enter the royal family without shedding blood, oh please. From spoilers — ML was not killed rather is suicidal.
For my derelict beloved
I wanted to return to the real world after witnessing the ending. But somehow, even after the ending, I was not freed from the body I possessed and remained living in the original novel. My favorite sub male lead, Caelus, has died. Living impoverished in the original work without him, I eventually fell ill and died. Now, I wanted to return to reality. However, the irony of fate has returned me to the end of the novel overnight. This is definitely… to save my beloved, right? Please where is the full novel? These are side stories right? The chapters are all messed up. Is there any way to fix this? Please tell me which chapter to read from, if I read the manhwa before the moment in the imperial library? There, Cyle saw Hess in the arms of the prince. R19 means explicit content like extreme violence or by far the most often sexual content.
Selfish bitch The only reason she got married and became queen is better of him. Selena Chapter Have a beautiful day!
Hide Ads Login Sign Up. Add to My List. Add to Favorites. English: For My Derelict Favorite. Type: Manhwa. Genres: Fantasy Fantasy , Romance Romance. Serialization: Naver Webtoon. Score: 7. Ranked: 2 2 based on the top manga page. Official Site.
For my derelict beloved
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Comedy Romance. This is already so good! Shenshen says:. If you continue to use this site we assume that you will be happy with it. Log in to Reply. Herah says:. Is there any way to fix this? July 23, at am. Many novels will be updated. Chapter 77 March 8, If images do not load, please change the server. I enjoyed it so much that I read it 4 times and created an account here to publish a comment and support the translator xD. Mushu1 says:. Drama Romance.
Authors : Kim Seon-Yu , Ryuho. Status : Ongoing. For My Derelict Beloved has 99 translated chapters and translations of other chapters are in progress.
Sweet Dream Chapter Chapter 5 minutes ago. Please where is the full novel? But somehow, even after the ending, I was not freed from the body I possessed and remained living in the original novel. The chapters are all messed up. I read the first chapter then like a drugged out zombie keep refreshing the front page for more! May 24, at am. I wanted to return to the real world after witnessing the ending. Chapter 28 March 9, May 22, at am. Native Language Korean. As a result, I acquired the stories behind the scenes that I refused to comprehend. You must Register or Login to post a comment. We use cookies to make sure you can have the best experience on our website. That will be so grateful if you let MangaBuddy be your favorite manga site.
Willingly I accept. The theme is interesting, I will take part in discussion. Together we can come to a right answer.
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