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Master of ceremony: Miguel Primo de Rivera Oriol. Ana I, foro investing bbva. Coronavirus pandemic represents the most disruptive event since World War II, triggering the most severe economic crisis since decades and causing political instability across the globe. Will these changes be permanent?
Close panel. Press Enter. New clean technologies, or 'cleantech,' will play a key role in the decarbonization of the economy. To make this possible, however, the private sector must make a firm commitment to the sustainable agenda, leading to decisive, long-term investment in firms that develop clean technologies. By funding the development of new clean technologies, the financial sector is one of the major drivers of this emerging industry. The BBVA event, which welcomed more than attendees, including government representatives, opinion leaders and global companies and institutions that are strongly committed to the fight against climate change and the promotion of inclusive growth, has become a milestone venue for high-level dialogue on the economic and social challenges of sustainability.
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The challenges of access to professional talent and rapid channeling foro investing bbva capital to accelerate technological developments were also addressed in another of the afternoon round tables, 'Benchmark practices in corporate and institutional sustainability in Spain. En el Dr.
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En el Dr. Lei Zhang's Extremadura commitment was widely appreciated by the attendees. The challenges of access to professional talent and rapid channeling of capital to accelerate technological developments were also addressed in another of the afternoon round tables, 'Benchmark practices in corporate and institutional sustainability in Spain. Which practices have proven to be the most effective? Miembro de Consejo Asesor del Ministerio de Sanidad desde hasta Her first scientific publications addressed the development of new strategies to provide protection against CoV infections by recombinant neutralizing antibodies expressed in different systems such as cell cultures, bacteria, the mammary gland of transgenic animals and plant tissues to be orally administered. He also announced that the bank is expanding its sustainable business offering with the creation of a global unit to finance cleantech innovation. In the digital age the role of technologies is immensely more important than in the past. He has published extensive research papers, book chapters and articles in the fields of energy, nuclear science, and socioeconomic development, and is often invited to speak at international meetings on these and other related topics. Press Enter Predictive Search.
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July , she was appointed as Deputy Head of the Pharmaceuticals Unit. Madrid, abril de In an increasingly multipolar world, is this brand of diplomacy sufficient for Europe not to lose its geopolitical weight? They also pointed out the need to support the scale-up of early-stage companies that develop these technologies, to address the challenges of talent shortages and high-quality job creation , and to bring regulators into the conversation so that they can help stimulate the ecosystem. The BBVA CEO reminded the audience that banks are key intermediaries : they can help their customers invest in this transition and lead it successfully, together with society as a whole, with both sustainable finance solutions and advisory services. Vicepresidente de la Internacional Socialista de hasta In , he led the management buyout of The European House - Ambrosetti along with other partners, thereby settling with the founder. Careers at BBVA. Social media. After the absolute majority of the Popular Party in , he voluntarily resigned to run in
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