fountain pen vancouver

Fountain pen vancouver

A fountain pen is an extension of yourself.

Sadly, we live in an era of "use and toss". So many things are replaceable. That is, except for your fountain pen. A fountain pen is a personal possession with a higher level of permancy. I think we are, in part, more possessive of our fountain pens as there are so many personal decisions in having a fountain pen. The initial selection involves a choice of overall look but also of the type of nib and the feel in the hand. That goes even further with the selection of ink to use.

Fountain pen vancouver

We had a nice turnout for our second meeting of , which was held at the Kitsilano branch of the Vancouver Public Library on Thursday February 15th. S eventeen VPC members --including brand-new members David L, Garrett and Peter R-- showed up, and we had a good time chatting about pens, inks and all things writing-instrument-related. In all the excitement, I forgot to take a group photo of us, but I did snap lots of photos of what we brought to the meeting, so without further ado, here they are Karen introduced brand-new member Garrett to our pen club, and Garrett brought two fountain pens and a ballpoint he inherited from his grandfather two Montblanc s and a lovely Montblanc ballpoint! Happy Valentine's Day! Hope you can make it! Here's a nice write up by Sherman about a recent free webinar on handwriting sponsored by Montblanc that he attended I like flourishing my signature, but it wasn't good enough, so I believed I should be able to learn something from the experts. I encouraged him to join our club! During the 1 hour webinar, he illustrated some basic guidelines on flourishing, and it really opened my mind for sure.

Buchan's Stationery has been in operation since


A fountain pen is an extension of yourself. If you need a smooth and dependable writing tool, then chose the best from our limitless options of fountain pens. The chosen pen should be as unique as you. Today, fountain pens are considered the sole proper pen by most users. These pens are available in different price varieties ranging from a few dollars to some reaching thousands. Just remember that once you go beyond a certain amount, then you are not only buying a better writing experience, but you are also buying additional ornamentation. Most of the pens use stainless steel nibs, but some expensive pens use gold tip nibs. Any decent quality steel-nib fountain pen writes smoothly.

Fountain pen vancouver

Contact us at vancouverpenclub gmail. Date : Thursday March 21, Time : pm to pm We can start setting up the tables and chairs at pm, but we have to leave the room by pm, as per the library's room rental policy. If you have such a pen or two , please bring it with you to the meeting and let us know why it's been out of action please try to keep it to a max. Hope to see you there! Although there are not any fountain pens, the ballpoints illustrated in the attached photos are gorgeous.

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The chosen pen should be as unique as you. I collected addresses and published a listing - Directory of Stores. Buchann's Stationery Buchan's Stationery has been in operation since Over the past years there has been an explosion of inks with what seems to be endless colour options. Any decent quality steel-nib fountain pen writes smoothly. I think we are, in part, more possessive of our fountain pens as there are so many personal decisions in having a fountain pen. Exceptional pens can be acquired at a higher price. A fountain pen is an extension of yourself. Just remember that once you go beyond a certain amount, then you are not only buying a better writing experience, but you are also buying additional ornamentation. Fountain pens are actually complicated to a degree. Good selection of fountain pens supported by what every fountain pen user needs: ink and paper. I also include photos and reviews of my Pens of Note - pens that I particularly enjoy in terms of a writing experience. You can experience the best writing from any pen, even if it is of low cost. I encouraged him to join our club! Labels: meetings.

I had the opportunity to visit the store in December. They had nicely moved in and were using all the added space to display a wide range inks, paper, writing accessories and pens.

In my earlier travels, when I would arrive in a city, I would look in phone books, or ask at the hotel front desk about the location of pen stores. I thank those who visit the site and provide recommendations of pen stores they have come across. Thanks in advance! Located on the west side, in the Kerrisdale area. Labels Your cart is currently empty. Special thanks to Asifa and Peter for taking photos during the meeting; I wasn't able to attend due to illness, so I asked them to snap some pics for me On my travels I visit pen stores and some I find to be "great" stores. How you hold the impact changes how the nib flows across the paper. That is, except for your fountain pen. Shipping, taxes, and discount codes calculated at checkout. Fountain pen inks come in a wide rnage of colours.

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