freecodecamp css

Freecodecamp css

I am working the freecodecamp css of CSS and I came across to a problem on line 27 in html.

But when you are learning this information for the first time, it can be hard to keep track of all of the different CSS properties. This study guide is filled with additional information, articles, and videos to help you understand the concepts better. Feel free to reference this guide as you go through the certification. Here is the complete list of topics covered. Click on any of the links below to learn more about the topic. It is also good to include it for accessibility reasons, because screen readers will know how to properly pronounce the text.

Freecodecamp css


If we wanted to horizontally center that text on the page, then we can use the text-align property. If you have multiple CSS selectors with the same styles, freecodecamp css, then you can group them together like this:.


In the introductory video, Eric will give you an overview of what the course looks like, what the pre-requisites are, plus an overview of the topics he touches throughout the course. He also gives you a brief introduction about himself so you get familiar with him before jumping off. We then jump directly into the first formal lesson of the course. In this one, we will be looking into the ways we can include CSS in our HTML pages and how to start applying basic stylings on our elements. In the second lesson, Eric talks about some of the CSS vocabulary which sets you up to better understand concepts he goes through in later lectures. So, for example, this is an h1 element. It has some default styling which appears when you render it in the browser.

Freecodecamp css

CSS is often quickly dismissed as an easy thing to learn by developers, or one thing you just pick up when you need to quickly style a page or app. This can be a huge source of frustration when we find that the tool does not simply do what we want. This article will help you get up to speed with CSS and get an overview of the main modern features you can use to style your pages and apps. I hope to help you get comfortable with CSS and get you quickly up to speed with using this awesome tool that lets you create stunning designs on the Web. First, the beginner. Then, the professional. CSS is often considered like a secondary thing to learn, especially by JavaScript developers. They know CSS is not a real programming language, they are programmers and therefore they should not bother learning CSS the right way.

Gracie spinks

Regards, W. To learn more, you can read through this helpful DevDocs explanation on the style element. In this example, we have some HTML markup. You can change the color of the text by using the color property. Say Thanks. Notice how each of these divs takes up the entire horizontal space on the page and they are not displayed next to each other. Article element The article element is a semantic HTML element that is used for independent self contained content. The style element contains the styling for the web page. According to the World Wide Web Consortium ,. To learn more about the main element, you can read through this DevDocs detailed main element explanation. This tag renders the width of the page to the width of the device's screen size.

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But when you are learning this information for the first time, it can be hard to keep track of all of the different CSS properties. The value of 1 for the initial-scale prevents the default zoom by browsers. The margin shorthand property is used to set the margin for all sides of the element. The h1 element represents the most important heading and should only be used once per web page. To learn more, you can read through this helpful DevDocs explanation on the width property. We can also center both boxes, by setting the margin-left and margin-right properties to auto. But we can use the shorthand notation to achieve the same result. This study guide is filled with additional information, articles, and videos to help you understand the concepts better. Here is an example of setting the text to an italic font-style. UTF-8 is the standard character encoding you should use in your web pages. We can add display: inline-block; to place the paragraph elements next to each other. This study guide is filled with additional information, articles, and videos to help you understand the concepts better. Anchor elements An anchor element represents a link on the web page.

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