Freshman xxl

Click here to see the 12 artists in the class, freshman xxl. See who wins when the class is revealed this summer. Play Music Watch Video. Trent Barboza Trent Barboza loading

It featured rappers Jay-Z and Master P on a double cover. However Scratch shut down less than a year later in September XXL also maintains a popular website, which provides daily hip hop news, original content and content from the magazine. The magazine's past editors include Reginald C. XXL executive publisher Jonathan Rheingold stated that typically magazines based around particular artists were not favorable, but "since Shade 45 is a truly authentic and uncensored rap radio channel, the marriage with the XXL brand made sense," feeling that it would interest rap fans. On August 20, , XXL marked its sixteenth anniversary by releasing its th issue, which featured the first solo cover on the magazine from Drake , along with rappers such as Kendrick Lamar and B. B reviewing classic albums.

Freshman xxl


PaakDesiigner and 21 Savage. Townsquare Media.


Click here to see the 12 artists in the class. See who wins when the class is revealed this summer. Play Music Watch Video. Trent Barboza Trent Barboza loading Chad Griffith Chad Griffith loading Isaiah Samuels Isaiah Samuels loading John Canon John Canon loading

Freshman xxl

When the rising rap talent of the mids—from Lupe Fiasco to Plies to Papoose —graced the cover of XXL Magazine, no one foresaw the "Leaders of the New School" tagline evolving into one of hip-hop's most important institutions. Sixteen years and 16 Freshman magazine covers later, XXL has knighted plenty of promising rookies poised to become staples of the culture, word to Vince. At this point, you can set your watch to it.

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March 27, Lestyn Park Lestyn Park loading Meredith Truax Meredith Truax loading Archived from the original on May 29, It featured rappers Jay-Z and Master P on a double cover. Archived from the original on October 16, Jamie Amimoto Jamie Amimoto loading February 22, Tools Tools. Click here to see the 12 artists in the class. MTV News. Archived from the original on Atlantic Records Atlantic Records loading Wyeth Collins Wyeth Collins loading


American hip hop magazine. July 14, Retrieved August 17, MTV News. Retrieved May 5, Steph Paul Steph Paul loading This section's tone or style may not reflect the encyclopedic tone used on Wikipedia. The New York Times. Archived from the original on October 15, XXL also maintains a popular website, which provides daily hip hop news, original content and content from the magazine. See Wikipedia's guide to writing better articles for suggestions. Michigan Talk Network.

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