

Rome2rio is a search aggregator that gives an overview of different travel options between two or more destinations, including by train, fromrome2rio, bus, plane, fromrome2rio, ferry, and car. This is where Rome2rio works its magic. If you like, you can be more specific with your departure and arrival fromrome2rio, so since you plan to arrive fromrome2rio Amsterdam by plane and head straight to Rome, you can set your departure from Amsterdam Schipol AMS instead of the city of Amsterdam.

What is Rome2Rio? Rome2Rio is the ultimate tool to make travel planning easy. From flights and trains to buses, ferries and rideshares and more; see in an instant all the combinations so you can compare and choose the best travel option for you. Why use Rome2Rio? You can rely on our extensive global coverage — it comes from 5,plus companies in more than countries.


Like any good carpenter, tools are very important. Since we are constantly on the move I always find myself researching how to get to the next destination. One tool we use to get from A to B is Rome2rio. I can plug in any address, airport code, city and then a destination and boom! How to walk, bus, taxi, drive, train, ferry or fly there. It also displays the estimated time and cost which helps weed out options quickly. As you move your courser over the options on the left, the routes get highlighted on the map on the right. Choose a departure time and click directly through to the bus website. Or lets say you want to make a stop in beautiful Vancouver on the way over to the Island. Once you add a stop along your route, the list on the left shows the transport choices for the individual legs displayed on the map on the right. You can also book some things directly if you see a ticket icon. I just clicked through and purchased some bus tickets from a Bulgarian company called Karat-S.

Feb 21, 5 min read.

Rome2Rio: Trip Planner Rome2rio. Everyone info. What is Rome2Rio? Rome2Rio is the ultimate tool to make travel planning easy. From flights and trains to buses, ferries and rideshares and more; see in an instant all the combinations so you can compare and choose the best travel option for you.

Rome2rio is a search aggregator that gives an overview of different travel options between two or more destinations, including by train, bus, plane, ferry, and car. This is where Rome2rio works its magic. If you like, you can be more specific with your departure and arrival locations, so since you plan to arrive to Amsterdam by plane and head straight to Rome, you can set your departure from Amsterdam Schipol AMS instead of the city of Amsterdam. Or, if you have an idea of where you want to end up in Rome, you can right-click the location on the map and select it as your destination. Maybe you want to end your journey to Rome at the Vatican. However, you can view overland options as well. Rome2rio is great for creating a travel itinerary between multiple destinations, especially more off-the-grid locations that can be a little harder to research. Maybe you want to work your way down from Amsterdam to Sardinia, with a stop in Bern along the way, as well as a quick visit to the small Italian town of Pavia. Move destinations around in order by dragging the dialogue box to where you want it to be.


Rome2Rio allows users to view transport options from their origin to their destination. Now, we have introduced our Trip Planner with the ability to save your trip and create an itinerary between multiple locations too! You can create an account, save your entire journey and access it between multiple devices. On this page.

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Have you ever used Rome2rio? Stability and performance improvements. If it's not an amazing deal, we won't send it. In addition it may allow you to go through shopping portals prior to check out — in case you cannot check out normally. Once you add a stop along your route, the list on the left shows the transport choices for the individual legs displayed on the map on the right. From flights and trains to buses, ferries and rideshares and more; see in an instant all the combinations so you can compare and choose the best travel option for you. Or lets say you want to make a stop in beautiful Vancouver on the way over to the Island. When I saw that app was available, I thought oh cool. What is Rome2Rio? Take a look at one solution out there that we share here. Big Bus Tours. Rome2Rio is a very useful travel tool for many reasons. The Rome2Rio website is a true life and money saver.

Rome2Rio: Trip Planner Rome2rio. Everyone info. What is Rome2Rio?

It also displays the estimated time and cost which helps weed out options quickly. Safety starts with understanding how developers collect and share your data. You can rely on our extensive global coverage — it comes from 5,plus companies in more than countries. I use the website often to plan trips in advance. Learn More. Ratings and Reviews. Helps me a lot to plan and to travel. And not at least the price. If it's not an amazing deal, we won't send it. Uninstalled instantly. Stability and performance improvements. Rail Europe - Formerly Loco2.

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