funniest memes ever

Funniest memes ever

With this year finally coming to a close, we can all breathe a collective sigh of relief. No matter your political leanings, this meme was one of the most entertaining of The seemingly endless different mashups that people created had us rolling all year, funniest memes ever.

We forced a bot to scour the web and find the funniest memes for 80 hours straight. These are the best and funniest memes from what that bot found:. As we all know, the primary act that triggers the categorization of an image as a funny meme is a collective, slightly-accelerated exhaling via the nose by the masses who view said "funny meme". And since y'all know what we're talking about, then you'll probably want at least 17 more memes. Or these Funny Memes might also suffice, or these relatable memes that can also probably pass for funny Log In.

Funniest memes ever


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If you buy something from a Polygon link, Vox Media may earn a commission. See our ethics statement. We had a lot of fun on the internet this year, diving into subcultures, highly specific content , and of course, tons and tons of memes. Our taste spans platforms and genres — everything from anime to funny pets to Twilight behind-the-scenes footage. Many of us sunk deep into TikTok in , so these short-form videos make up the majority of the list. The internet is the gift that keeps giving, and it would be practically impossible to catch them all. But what these all have in common is that they made us laugh, during a difficult year where many of us could really use a bit of relief, or some measure of escape. The behind-the-scenes footage captures Kristen Stewart having to pet Lautner in the morph suit while he performed as his werewolf-sona. This also includes funny footage of Robert Pattinson being unable to do a basic summersault , in scenes where Edward and Bella are both vampires. So many elements have gotten their sparkly time in the sun.

Funniest memes ever

Can you remember life before memes? And you need to restock your eye cream. To pay tribute to some of the most culturally important works of art in the history of humankind, are the funniest memes of all time. Instead of us getting to watch custom paint drying on choppers, it highlighted the toxic relationship between Paul Teutel, Sr.

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He can be reached at timnorth bu. Via Dog N' Cat Meme. And we loved every second of it. In a world of nonstop video calls, true friendship is when the call disconnects and you both decide not to call back. Via Pinterest. Posted by Ada Elder. Via Today's Funny Memes Memebase. Abusive, profane, self-promotional, misleading, incoherent or off-topic comments will be rejected. Cancel reply Your email address will not be published. December 12,

The Oxford English Dictionary defines "meme" as "an image, video, piece of text, typically humorous in nature, that is copied and spread rapidly by internet users, often with slight variations.

In a broader societal context, a community characterized by kindness is likelier to thrive, as cooperation and collaboration become the norm. No Smuudgelord memes? It says you posted this comment on october 20, Via Lenny Cat Meme. Things-to-do The Weekender: March 7 to Or these Funny Memes might also suffice, or these relatable memes that can also probably pass for funny Via Reddit. I showed these memes to my eighth grade class and all I got was a dissapointed groan. Via Seventeen Mother's Day Memes. Via Andy Samberg Kittens Meme. Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email. Posted by Ada Elder. Via Cheezburger Sexual Memes. Twitter Facebook. With the state being particularly slow to give out election updates, the home of Las Vegas became the butt of many jokes.

3 thoughts on “Funniest memes ever

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