Funny moments wrestling
I say that not because some of the talent lacks in ability. Quite the contrary, I think many wrestlers would shine if things were as free-flowing as they used to be, funny moments wrestling. But the reason for my dismay is that you are never going to see the stuff I saw growing up quite the same any more. The shows are edited neatly, the wrestlers are funny moments wrestling more sterile in delivery.
Some wrestlers made their careers competing in the show, and it is running successfully after crossing over episodes as of this date. Apart from the high-octane wrestling action, Monday Night Raw has also shown some of the best segments. Some of these are comedic gold and would give the fans a good laugh even today. With that said, let's take a trip down memory lane and look at ten of the funniest moments in Monday Night Raw history. They traded the title with each other on many occasions and put on some of the funniest segments in the history of WWE. Segments like R-Truth crashing Maverick's wedding and interrupting Maverick and his wife, Rene Michelle, consummating their wedding at their hotel room are some of the best comedic angles WWE produced in many years.
Funny moments wrestling
However, with a person having more creative control over his character, Brock Lesnar has gone out of his way to break character or show different versions of his character, and he introduced the fans to one such version after he won the Money in the Funny moments wrestling ladder match in
While hardcore fans watch it for the wrestling, WWE is marketed as an entertainment company, and what better way to entertain than to make your audience laugh? WWE injects humor into their product on a weekly basis just look at R-Truth , but sometimes the funnier moments happen unexpectedly. That's the beauty of live entertainment, fans get to see it all: the good, the bad, and the hilarious. Whether it's a botched promo, an unexpected reaction, or some jobber waving around a chainsaw, these moments made fans laugh harder than they should've. The company rightfully turned him heel, giving fans classic moments like "Bootista" and of course Evolution reformed for a brief period to feud with The Shield. During their match at Payback , Batista donned a decidedly bright blue getup, while his stablemates and opponents naturally wore black.
Funny moments wrestling
Even if the list were limited to events that occurred outside of the ring which it is , it would still be too long. There are simply too many shenanigans constantly occurring in wrestling - especially back in the classic days - to summarize them in one place. As many fans are aware, a lot of nutty things can happen when you take deranged individuals who are playing even more twisted characters and force them to hang out together for extended periods of time. Pranks a-plenty were pulled, friendships were formed, alliances were drawn, and rivalries often developed - usually in the name of good fun, but things could occasionally get carried away. Adding to the humor, fellow babyfaces were sometimes at odds offscreen and offstage, and arch-enemies were often actually close friends in real life - which could confuse and possibly anger fans who might find out.
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Segments like the one in which Kane shares his childhood story with the group, the trust fall, the restaurant, the hugging it out, and the live graduation turned out to be comedic gold, and they made the fans burst out in laughter every single time. But the kicker is seeing Gene Okerlund, usually a true professional, absolutely lose it at the mark. Then it begins. With that said, let's take a trip down memory lane and look at ten of the funniest moments in Monday Night Raw history. But better than the obvious misquote, the look on the late Owen Hart's face Some wrestlers made their careers competing in the show, and it is running successfully after crossing over episodes as of this date. After getting kicked out of the nWo in , Booker T formed a partnership with Goldust , which led to a series of hilarious segments between the two throughout their partnership. In many ways, it was the end of the "Attitude" era and some of the best wrestlers of the time frame, notably Stone Cold Steve Austin, would either retire or go on hiatus. Until not too recently, I never thought anything would top this for pure hilarity. They traded the title with each other on many occasions and put on some of the funniest segments in the history of WWE. What do you get when you combine a high quality botch, a lot of political incorrectness, and an on fire Jerry Lawler behind the mic? I have to admit, well before this became an Internet trope of legend, I lost it when I saw this clip. Did you really think it could be anything else? Segments like R-Truth crashing Maverick's wedding and interrupting Maverick and his wife, Rene Michelle, consummating their wedding at their hotel room are some of the best comedic angles WWE produced in many years.
While many believe professional wrestling is just a testosterone-filled show filled with bravado, sweat, and brute force, it's actually much more.
The line, "I know I'm late, but my nose got here 10 minutes ago! A massive mummy ehh No, not Jim Powers. But the kicker is seeing Gene Okerlund, usually a true professional, absolutely lose it at the mark. Following their team-up, Goldust and Booker T put on various hilarious backstage segments, including the one in which Goldust dressed up s Darth Vader, which ended with Booker T hilariously playing with the lightsaber. I say that not because some of the talent lacks in ability. Shelby were some of the best comedic skits WWE produced. It would've been unfair to try and single out a clip, so instead, I turn the floor first to him, and then to you. Some wrestlers made their careers competing in the show, and it is running successfully after crossing over episodes as of this date. Triple H was decent as "The Crock". I have to admit, well before this became an Internet trope of legend, I lost it when I saw this clip. One, it was the first wrestling event I watched on one of those special cable boxes in the 's that let you get premium channels for free. You can call it a shimmy or whatever, I already made up my mind.
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