Fusion 360 repeat sketch
I'm a complete beginner, I apologize if this is a silly question. I searched the forum and watched YouTube before posting. The answer might be out there I just couldn't find it.
The end goal is to create the same pattern of the holes over the entire surface. Im creating grille holes on a square surface, how do I simply copy and paste the circle shape so I don't have to keep sketching the same concentric circle over the entire surface as a pattern? Or is there a better way to do this. Go to Solution. Solved by hiteshkumar Solved by jeff. Just create one hole.
Fusion 360 repeat sketch
I do now want to fill the remaining plane with as many cutouts as possible on X and Y. There should be a fixed spacing between each cutout. When I later on change the size of the plane the amount of cutouts should increase or reduce. A rectangular pattern can not fill the space but only create n instanes. I hope it's clear what I want to do. Go to Solution. Solved by g-andresen. You do NOT want to do this in a sketch. You CAN do it, but the experience will not be pleasant. Sketch pattern is VERY slow, once you get above a few instances. Do your patterning in solid features instead.
It it would all to automatically combine instances all this would not be necessary. Jeff Strater Software Architect - Fusion Autodesk does not warrant, fusion 360 repeat sketch, either expressly or implied, the accuracy, reliability or completeness of the information translated by the machine translation service and will not be liable for damages or losses caused by the trust placed in the translation service.
Can anyone help me? I am working a lot with geometrical polyhedra in Fusion where many of the faces are the same. A lot of the work is very repetetive and I am trying to increase my workflow speed when editing bodies. I am working on a Star Tetrahedron see screenshot. In this particular piece I want to repeat a sketch on every face in this case a simple triangle on 24 faces for extrusion etc..
Learn how to design smarter and save time while 3D modeling with the pattern command and timeline rearranging features in Fusion When it comes to computer-aided design CAD , efficiency and time-saving strategies are paramount. If your design involves recurring features, bodies, or components, you should always consider using patterns or mirrors. Patterns allow you to replicate features or components effortlessly, eliminating the need to recreate them manually. By applying this technique, you can maintain consistency throughout your design and make modifications efficiently. This serves as a valuable tool for scrolling back to various points in your design process, allowing you to review and modify your model easily.
Fusion 360 repeat sketch
Please let us know if you find the video helpful by leaving feedback on our Self-Paced Learning site. This will ensure that any sketches you create will be contained within that active component, helping you keep your geometry organized. Now, on the Solid tab in the Design workspace, select Create Sketch from the toolbar. You can select an origin plane, an existing construction plane, or a planar face on an existing body. For the first sketch in a new design, hover over one of the origin planes, like the XY plane, and click to select it. Fusion automatically rotates the view to look directly at the sketch plane, to make it easier for you to create orthogonal geometry. The Sketch Grid , Origin , and planar Axes appear on the sketch plane to make it easier to create accurate geometry. After you create your Sketch , the new Sketch feature displays in the Timeline and in the Browser , nested within the active component. Select the Sketch in the Browser , click again to rename, and enter a clear and meaningful name for the sketch to make sure you and your project members can navigate the design easily as the assembly becomes more complex. The Sketch contextual tab displays on the toolbar and remains there while you edit the sketch.
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Show only Search instead for. Message 4 of 4. It just needs to be big enough to cover the entire area of your pattern. In addition to what jeff. Stuck on a workflow? Electronics Engineer. Simulation Extension. Product Design Extension. Product Design Extension. Back to Topic Listing Previous Next. Did you mean:. A lot of the work is very repetetive and I am trying to increase my workflow speed when editing bodies.
Couple of questions or ideas. Is there an easy way to mirror or repeat that type of shark tooth pattern around a boarder?
Solved by g-andresen. Message 6 of 6. Stuck on a workflow? Fusion Overview. Hi Cassandra, By "Rinse and Repeat," I mean that you would continue to the copy and paste procedure over and over again until the design is complete. Share Fusion formerly Fusion issues here and get support from the community as well as the Fusion team. In this scenario, you would:. File is attached Thanks Solved! Share your project, tips and tricks, ask questions, and get advice from the community. Then you want to pattern that extruded Feature.
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