gallery 247 login

Gallery 247 login

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Create a password and keep it written down in a safe place. If you have already registered with Gallery you can skip this step. This will take you to the Gallery website. There you will see a link to our art show. Once your artwork is entered into Gallery it will appear under your profile.

Gallery 247 login

Gallery was started by people who had been involved in the complex task of staging a fund raising art show, staffed by people without any systems other than the energy of volunteers and their "we've always done it this way" mindset. Gallery rapidly became Australia's foremost portal to integrate the needs of art shows and artists. Some of Australia's most important art shows rely on its on line art show entry, assessment and show management system. In parallel, thousands of Australian artists are receiving year-long exposure even when an art show is not operating. With art shows usually relying on the generosity of sponsors to raise funds, Gallery delivers a comprehensive suite of options that deliver significant value and investment returns to sponsors that was simply not possible previously. Gallery had a vision of building a nationally recognised online service for artists and art shows, in such a way that would simplify the process of managing art shows, yet provide continuous value to those artists who rely on art shows to exhibit and sell their work. Artists must be to create and maintain their own portfolios on line. Artists are not necessarily computer literate, and art shows are once-a-year affairs frequently run by service clubs with retired volunteers. It was crucual, therefore, that the system be intuitive and extremely easy to use. Each art show should enjoy their own independent and autonomous website, with sponsor promotions, existing and archived art show galleries and online ticket sales for gala openings. The system was built on our StreamScape Professional business management engine using several standard core modules. These include the content management engine, the customer contact management engine, event calendar, payment gateway, challenge-and-confirm member sign-up facility, newsletter engine and members-only login services. A login and private gallery administration service was developed for artists with a personalised dashboard and private messaging area.

The website seems very user friendly.


Type: Paintings Height 60cm x Width 92cm. Acrylic on Canvas. Genre: Abstract. Genre: Contemporary. Type: Paintings Height 72cm x Width 64cm. Watercolour on Paper. Genre: Streetscape. Type: Paintings Height 72cm x Width 86cm. Type: Paintings Height 92cm x Width 92cm.

Gallery 247 login

You will also be automatically pre-registered for entry into all of the many art shows now using Gallery You will receive the latest news, updates and alerts about which shows are on. As a registered member you can enter directly on line to any of the participating art shows. As a registered artist you are given your own online studio, in which you can store as many works as you want. Browse through the online Gallery of Australian artworks and buy from the safety of your own home. You might be looking for an oil painting with a particular dominant colour. Perhaps you simply want to get in early because you're collecting work by an up-and-coming Australian artist. Tired of all the complexities and hassles in running a successful art show?

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AJL Construction. Smart online services and strategies with a human touch, working seamlessly to put your business wherever you need it and where your clients are. When we accept your paintings your credit card will be debited and a receipt sent to you with the B labels. Leon O'Loughlin. Share this with your friends. Visitor statistics and search results are exceptionally strong with artists routinely upgrading their memberships to take advantage of the strong exposure that the site offers. Contact Us. Re-send your initial Registration Confirmation Email? Lorriane Lewitzka. Floral Image. Artist Have been with gallery for 6 years, both free and now paid.

Forgot your password? Not registered in Gallery yet? Re-send your initial Registration Confirmation Email?

Hotel Crown. When we accept your paintings your credit card will be debited and a receipt sent to you with the B labels. Mullen Lawyers. Share this with your friends. Butler and Butler. Bonney Pest Control. Fleurieu Sun. Artists have their own public gallery and can enter any participating art show with little more than a mouse click. For those artists who are not sure on how the online process works please read below. Glad we got to sell two of my portraits. Harcourts Southcoast. Simplicity Funeral. With art shows usually relying on the generosity of sponsors to raise funds, Gallery delivers a comprehensive suite of options that deliver significant value and investment returns to sponsors that was simply not possible previously. Contact Us. Have been with gallery for 6 years, both free and now paid.

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