Game of thrones season 4 ep 5

Tommen is crowned King of the Seven Kingdoms. Cersei builds her case against Tyrion. Sansa and Lord Baelish arrive at the Eyrie.

Sign In. Nikolaj Coster-Waldau Jaime Lannister. Lena Headey Cersei Lannister. Emilia Clarke Daenerys Targaryen. Kit Harington Jon Snow. Aidan Gillen Petyr 'Littlefinger' Baelish. Charles Dance Tywin Lannister.

Game of thrones season 4 ep 5

It is the thirty-fifth episode of the series overall. It premiered on May 4, on HBO. It was written by David Benioff and D. Weiss , and directed by Michelle MacLaren. Cersei and Tywin plot the Crown's next move. Dany discusses future plans. Jon Snow embarks on a new mission. In her new headquarters atop the Great Pyramid of Meereen , Daenerys learns of Joffrey's death and Tommen 's coronation. She is irritated to learn that Daario Naharis has captured Meereen's navy without her explicit orders to do so, but mulls over the possibility of setting sail for Westeros and taking King's Landing with her 8, Unsullied and 2, Second Sons. Barristan Selmy is optimistic about their chances, believing that old Westerosi families will flock to their cause once Daenerys crosses the Narrow Sea, swelling their numbers. Jorah Mormont is less enthusiastic: while 10, troops should be enough to take King's Landing from its exhausted defenders, there's still the rest of the continent to worry about. Her advisors then reveal more troubling news: the Wise Masters have bounced back and re-enslaved every freed man in Yunkai , and although Astapor remains free, the council Daenerys installed has been deposed by a butcher named Cleon.

Game of Thrones Season 4 Episode 5.

Cersei notices him exchanging smiles with Margaery and goes over to speak with her. Their talk goes oddly well. Margaery is not exactly convincing when she denies scheming for Tommen but Cersei doesn't seem to care. She thinks Tommen will be the first king in a half century to actually deserve his station. Then we're off to Meereen , where Daenerys is being briefed on the Purple Wedding. Also, the Second Sons took the Meereenese Navy without orders — "I heard you like ships," says Daario — and Daenerys may well be in a position to take King's Landing, though not Westeros. They go back and forth on the odds of getting the Westerosi nobility behind them until Jorah imparts some very bad news.

Sometimes it's important, between the Wites and Wights and dragons and twincest corpse desecration, to slow things down. So far, Littlefinger and the Queen of Thorns seem the best at playing the long-con game, but "First of His Name" was full of mind games in every corner of Westeros and Slaver's Bay. Hit the jump for some lemoncakes. Joffrey's death really set in motion the macro plot of who will now control the Iron Throne. Though Tommen's coronation opened the episode, the answer is hardly so clear. Tywin confides to Cersei that the crown owes an extraordinary amount of money to the Iron Bank of Braavos, which seems to be the only thing on Earth capable of rattling him. And while Tommen sits upon the throne itself, he doesn't control it. Cersei is finally acknowledging that her days of influence have waned. Her father is now truly in charge, and aligning their house with the Tyrells.

Game of thrones season 4 ep 5

If that sounds like some term-paper nonsense, please bear with me for one second. Ned Stark lost his head two and a half seasons ago, yet the surviving members of his family are still struggling to be decent without getting their asses chopped up. And Tanner had a point. And how about Jon finishing the job, Podrick-style, with the old sword-through-the-back-of-the-head routine? I must say, I found it extremely satisfying to watch Karl Tanner and Locke die within moments of each other, each at the hands of an emboldened Stark boy. In the meantime, we have some revelations to process, courtesy of Lysa. It made sense that the Lannisters would have killed Jon Aryn for those reasons, but now we know that Littlefinger was the one pulling all the strings. By David Canfield.

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Lysa reveals that she poisoned her husband at Petyr's instigation before the two are hurriedly married. The greatest swordsman who ever lived, killed by Meryn fucking Trant? He brings his foot down on Jon's hand before he can recover, raises his pig-stickers to shank our hero to death and There was action at Craster's, but it amounted to an "up and back" — we're presumably now right back where we were a couple episodes ago, with Bran headed North with his friends and Jon at Castle Black assuming he makes it to the castle without a detour. We see a ceremony where Tommen is proclaimed king. Poor Sansa. Cersei asks Oberyn to take her daughter a gift, a ship, since Cersei missed her last nameday. Arya Stark : Practicing. Her name, legacy, and even her seemingly divine power of the Dragon mean nothing to the people unless she can govern wisely and well. As soon as the two depart, Lysa kisses Littlefinger and proposes that they marry tonight. Jon Snow : "You want to stay here in Craster's Keep? They all are. Then Bran takes psychic control of Hodor! On the King's Road , Brienne makes it very clear to Pod, who has trouble with his horse and is indeed slowing Brienne down, that he can feel free to leave anytime.

It is the thirty-fifth episode of the series overall.

Michelle MacLaren. Tyrion enlists an unlikely ally. List of Partners vendors. Season 1. Margaery demurs - marrying Tommen never crossed her mind - but promises to speak to her father about the honor. Say grace before dinner? Pet the Dog : Cersei asks Oberyn to tell Myrcella that she misses her and to take a ship made especially for Myrcella to Dorne. Littlefinger gives him a present, and what does he do with it? Barristan Selmy is optimistic about their chances, believing that old Westerosi families will flock to their cause once Daenerys crosses the Narrow Sea, swelling their numbers. Littlefinger and Sansa, who is pretending to be Littlefinger's niece, arrive at The Eyrie via the "Bloody Gate" , which is the only way into the castle.

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