Gay bars in benidorm old town

Enter search word s : Results per page: 20 10 Spain has some wonderful Gay nightlife holiday destinations, Benidorm being one of them. The Lovers pub is on the right, gay bars in benidorm old town, Bears bar in nepalixxx videos bottom left corner where the pavement starts to widen to start Plaza de la Constitucion which extends out of site round the corner to the right.

Gay tourists are well-catered for on the Costa Blanca with gay and lesbian-friendly bars dotted around the coast. Benidorm and Alicante, in particular, have a number of gay and lesbian bars and discos. Benidorm hosts an annual Gay Parade with a carnival atmosphere plus plenty of music and dancing. The resort has a thriving gay community, centred around the Old Town. El Papagayo is a straight friendly gay bar in the middle of Benidorm's Old Town Modern stylish bar with a friendly atmosphere.

Gay bars in benidorm old town

For North Americans, Benidorm is mostly unknown bringing nothing to mind, though it is akin to Cancun or Cabo in Mexico. Benidorm is located in the Valencia region of Spain and started as a small fishing village just south of Alicante. It's found along the Mediterranean and slowly with its discovery by the rest of Europe, it became a popular resort destination and now boasts the most skyscrapers per capita in not only all of Europe but the world. With its growing popularity among tourists came plenty of fun activities to try, lots of great restaurants and an energetic nightlife. General Tips 2. Gay Hotels in Benidorm 4. Restaurants and Cafes 6. Gay Bars and Clubs in Benidorm 7. Gay Beaches in Benidorm 9. Gay Events in Benidorm Day Trips from Benidorm. Wineries, snorkeling in clear water, day trips to cute towns, delicious tapas, photo-worthy views and just plain fun are just a few things that await you in Costa Blanca.

Authentic Spain Handpicked by a Local Expert. Nowadays when the gays want a full body tan in Benidorm, they can head to Ti Ximo cove at the far end of Levante beach and up the hill.

These small, very friendly gay bars are located in the Old Town gay village. Most busniesses are open all year. Apartamentos Senabre Palais. Welcome to Bar Mercury, one of Benidorm's most popular gay nightlife spots! This lively disco attracts a young and vibrant crowd looking to dance the night away. With pulsing dance and house music, flashing lights, and a high-energy atmosphere, Bar Mercury really comes alive at night. The expansive dance floor fills up quickly, so you should come early to secure a prime spot.

These small, very friendly gay bars are located in the Old Town gay village. Most busniesses are open all year. Apartamentos Senabre Palais. Welcome to Bar Mercury, one of Benidorm's most popular gay nightlife spots! This lively disco attracts a young and vibrant crowd looking to dance the night away. With pulsing dance and house music, flashing lights, and a high-energy atmosphere, Bar Mercury really comes alive at night. The expansive dance floor fills up quickly, so you should come early to secure a prime spot.

Gay bars in benidorm old town

Skip to main content. Hotels near Calp Station. Valencian Community. Province of Alicante. Costa Blanca. Things to do in Benidorm. Enter dates. All things to do.

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Bar Mercury. Watersports — If you want to focus on the water, you can rent some snorkel gear and head to one of the coves. It has several gay beaches and a busy gay nightlife as well. Accompany your nature guide across the hanging bridges and admire the picturesque landscape of Medieval castles. Bears' Bar — the name says it all really: here be bears! Drag Shows. Expect a lively atmosphere due to its reputation and location in the heart of Benidorm. Gay Hotels in Benidorm 4. Thanks in advance for supporting this site if you choose to use our link! Wed: - Enjoy refreshing cocktails, and swim and snorkel in the high seas of Cabo de Huertas. Gay Shops. Regular special offers on beers and soft drinks.

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Audience Rating Based on 17 votes. The night-life is happening on Fridays and Saturdays mostly. Regular special offers on beers and soft drinks. Lovers Pub Benidorm Sign. Tue: - The bars and clubs start late, as the locals have their dinner only around 10 or 11 PM. Gay tourists are well-catered for on the Costa Blanca with gay and lesbian-friendly bars dotted around the coast. Alicante: Canelobre Caves Tour with Transport. City Guide. The food is authentically Spanish and homemade. Both are separated by the Mirador de Castillo which is a beautiful lookout point where the former castle used to be. It's also the best and has great facilities, despite being a little small.

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