gay saunas north west england

Gay saunas north west england

Owners Description: Basement Complex Manchester is an established gay male only sauna with over 20 years of experience. Located in Ancoats, Manchester and occupying the basement of an old Victorian mill.

We appreciate your patience and I promise it will be worth the wait. This is a massive project and we have recently taken the decision to extend the maze within the steam room to bring you a better experience. View our Covid Policy. Click Here. Come and explore the dark winding corridors of this fascinating building and see what surprises lurk around every corner. Tuesday Cruzday is all about enjoying what the building has to offer, do it in your own time. Expect steamy encounters within our iconic sanctuary.

Gay saunas north west england

Private smoking area. Facilties Newly refurbished! Location New Brighton Station : 5 min walk. Upcoming Events Follow our for upcoming events at the dolphin. Frequently Asked Questions. How old do I have to be? Do I have to be a member? Discretion is our forte at the Dolphin We do not have a membership policy. Is there parking? There is plenty of free parking directly outside the dolphin.

An ever-popular day where over guys come along to enjoy Funday Sunday. Slide into our DMs and ask us anything.


Visit London's world-class gay scene. Discover the best bars, clubs and dance parties. A vibrant, cosmopolitan city in the northwest of England, with a huge gay scene. Favourite gay bars and gay-popular hangouts in Edinburgh. Explore the best of Brighton's legendary gay bar scene. Explore Manchester's popular gay sauna scene. Experience London's amazing gay bar scene with something to suit everyone.

Gay saunas north west england

Owners Description: Basement Complex Manchester is an established gay male only sauna with over 20 years of experience. Located in Ancoats, Manchester and occupying the basement of an old Victorian mill. Facilities include dry sauna, steam room and two spas.

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Tuesday Cruzday is all about enjoying what the building has to offer, do it in your own time. Discretion is our forte at the Dolphin We do not have a membership policy. You must be 18 or older to access the venue. However you are more than welcome to bring your own with you when you visit. Free Wi-Fi. This event attracts a younger crowd. Is there parking? Search Hotels. Slide into our DMs and ask us anything. Visit the largest steam room in the UK, Amsterdam cruising areas, extensive playrooms including our 50 man orgy room. What happens when I get there?


Newsletter Subscribe and be the first to know about new events and the latest sauna news. Email dolphinsaunanewbrighton gmail. Features: Cafe. It's my first time! Frequently Asked Questions. I'm Nervous! Please use this form to let us know. Tuesday Cruzday Tuesday 19th Mar Come and explore the dark winding corridors of this fascinating building and see what surprises lurk around every corner. How long can I stay at the Dolphin? Vehicles left at owners risk.

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