gay slave trainer

Gay slave trainer

Our advanced slave training techniques educate your conscious mind at the same time we are reprogramming your unconscious mind, gay slave trainer, planting the seeds of slavery deep inside you. And how do you gay slave trainer the right Master? What if there were a way for you to get real slave training right where you are, the exact same training that real Masters have already successfully used to train real slaves just like you?

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Gay slave trainer

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And that's also why I love thrillers, science-fiction no star wars, please!

The relationship uses the term "slave" because of the association of the term with ownership rights of a master to their slave's body, as property or chattel. While male "masters" will usually be referred to as "Master", whether or not female Masters are referred to as "Master" or "Mistress" may depend upon whether they identify as following the leather subculture or BDSM path, or simply preference. Sexual slavery in a BDSM context is both a sexual fantasy and sexual roleplay. A slave and the owner, and others involved in the relationship, can be of any gender, sexual identity, or orientation. The term "slave" is used rather than "sex slave" because sex is not a necessary component of consensual slavery.

In psychology, obedience training is better known as behavior modification and we will use a lot of the techniques used in psychology to modify and shape a submissive's behavior. This post is meant as an introduction and will cover the basics but not delve too deeply. You should read part one of Obedience Training first. Classical Conditioning. This technique involves pairing an unconditioned stimulus with a neutral stimulus to produce a conditioned response. If you are familiar with psychology, you probably learned of Pavlov's experiments with dogs. Pair a bell neutral stimulus with food unconditioned stimulus. The dog salivates from the food. Pair these enough times and the bell alone will produce salvation without the food being present. Classical conditioning is good for autonomic responses to stimuli or involuntary responses such as breathing, heartbeats, salvation, etc.

Gay slave trainer

Role-playing Until Role-living. Belief begets action, and repetitive action also begets belief. Sometimes reducing protocol is to allow her to serve better; for example, she will initially avoid eye contact to reinforce submission and later be encouraged to have eye contact for emotional bonding and to recognize and fulfill my unspoken desires. Psychological Basis. My psychological training methods are actively based in direct discussion of reasons for thought patterns i. My slave will be expected to attain defined goals; these goals will be specific and measurable with identified deadlines. Intermediate milestones will be provided as an opportunity for guidance toward the final goal as well as for positive reinforcement through a sense of accomplishment and knowledge of pleasing her Master. I prefer to condition three or less habits at a time; too many simultaneous changes can undermine tranquility and effectiveness. Nurture and assurance are helpful when knowing more things are expected to change eventually than are expected to change immediately.


I knew just one thing. Roger - president of NBR United -. So this book titled "Slave in Training" in English is a fantasy. Our advanced slave training techniques educate your conscious mind at the same time we are reprogramming your unconscious mind, planting the seeds of slavery deep inside you. On the contrary, I find religions dangerous most of the time. The little finger thing. Definitely addicted to hearing the voice and soundscape and to obeying and listening more. As you go deeper into slave training you work to further release old fears, increase your confidence, and deepen your submission. It is also a complex read and addresses psychological issues of slave mentality, the emotional and physical pain, endurance and suppression of self that voluntary slavery, as in the total abject submission to the will of the Master, to giving of life itself if demanded. Nothing here drew me in, and the eyeroll coefficient was just too high -- clearly the author's fantasies and mine have nothing in common. And you do it. You love bondage and you crave the discipline and pain that goes along with it. This subscription can be terminated at any time in the section "Subscription". These include wearing the owner's collar , being registered in a slave register, adopting sometimes legally changing to a name chosen by the owner, or engaging in a public declaration or ritualized ceremony of some type. First, the post colonialism associated with Max's hallucinations of Master James.

It is recommended to play the downloaded version below. This is because of itch. Be warned that the game contains heavy themes of slavery and non-consensual sex.

Danny says straight up, in his review, that this is a fantasy; it's not supposed to be realistic, but still, the extent of this, in the end, divorced me from the story. I saw the way you looked at all those women in their tight spandex clothes. Sexual slavery is a consensual exchange of power by the submissive to the dominant, though the scope of the surrender of discretion may be limited and may be withdrawn at any time. Author 21 books followers. In our present western society we have very specific ideas about what freedom is and how it looks. I learned lately to speak English so it's very possible that I forget mistakes in my reviews and other writings as this one. If the reader truly enjoys the mind and the role it plays in sex then a lot of the story will be arousing psychologically. He was taking his slave on a vacation into purgatory. However, I must admit that it was written exceptionally well. Max falls in love with his trainer but their relationship is not romanticized or sentimental.

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