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By continuing to use our site, you agree to our Private Policy and Terms of Use. Man , the leading online library of every male nude scene ever filmed for television or movies, just announced the winners of their 8th annual Manatomy Awards! The much-coveted and highly-ogled awards recognize outstanding performances in TV and film by actors and their bare bodies. This year's winners include some big-name Hollywood stars with big-time fleshy equipment, alongside equally well-endowed actors in smaller productions that were far more daring. Man said in a statement about the Manatomy Awards. We had to honor it and Mr. Cooper with a special award. Ryan Reynolds and his male member were honored with the Lifetime Skinchievement honor for his body of work that included performances in Buying the Cow , The Proposal , and, of course, Deadpool. Mark Ruffalo won the coveted award last year.

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