gayromeo com planetromeo

Gayromeo com planetromeo

We at Romeo are 70 colorful people from over 15 countries, working for you in Amsterdam and Berlin. Most of us are gay ourselves and proud to connect millions of men all gayromeo com planetromeo the world across borders, cultures, and languages.

Romeo until PlanetRomeo is a social network for gay , bisexual , queer and transgender people. Initially only available in German the site and later its mobile app have evolved into an international platform. Initially, the site was available only in German and hence it used to have a majority of users being from German-speaking countries. The website and apps are currently available in six languages. The German-speaking community remains the largest community but not the majority. It has been operated by Planetromeo B. In , the site name was changed from GayRomeo to PlanetRomeo and in it was changed again to simply Romeo.

Gayromeo com planetromeo

Login once to romeo. Download our Uncut Version and make a side install on your mobile. You will get our store version without prudish restrictions. That's why we offer more for free then any other app. We, and carefully selected third parties, use Cookies on our Website. We use cookies to analyse the use of our website, to personalise content, make improvements and to ensure it functions properly. By clicking on 'Cookie Settings', you can choose your cookie preferences. By clicking on 'Accept All Cookies', you consent to all cookies that are described in our privacy and cookie statement. You can change your mind and consent choices at any time. We, and carefully selected third parties, use cookies on our Website. Functional cookies are essential to ensure that our website works properly. Analytical cookies give us a valuable insight to the usage of our website. This allows us to continue to improve the services we offer you.

Create a group. App Privacy. These hotties are raising the temperature!

Contains ads In-app purchases. Everything you need is here for free without annoying ads. What makes us special is our community! Most of our users are looking for quality connections, from friendships to real dates. We began as a typical garage start-up with no investors.

Contains ads In-app purchases. Everything you need is here for free without annoying ads. What makes us special is our community! Most of our users are looking for quality connections, from friendships to real dates. We began as a typical garage start-up with no investors. Create your profile and start chatting and video calling within minutes! Save frequently used phrases At ROMEO we want to give you the tools to live your full life and we are one of the largest dating platforms worldwide with more than 3 million gay, bisexual, trans and queer people. This is especially meaningful when our community tells us that we stand for more than quick hookups, which means that this can also be a place for more serious relationships and friendship. We are independent of big companies or advertisement income, that means we can focus on your needs only, on the needs of our community.

Gayromeo com planetromeo

Romeo until PlanetRomeo is a social network for gay , bisexual , queer and transgender people. Initially, the site was available only in German and hence it used to have a majority of users being from German-speaking countries. The website and apps are currently available in six languages.

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Save Settings Accept All Cookies. Share your photos in the Group Album. Privacy Statement Terms of Use. Compatibility iPhone Requires iOS Follow Us. Cookie Consent We, and carefully selected third parties, use cookies on our Website. You can change your mind and consent choices at any time. In Germany, due to its high number of registered users, ROMEO is often called the "Gay Registry Office" schwules Einwohnermeldeamt or "The Blue pages" Die blauen Seiten , [6] referring to the well known telephone directories the yellow pages and the white pages. Furthermore, we believe this down to earth approach is the reason why we have been online since as GayRomeo and then Planet Romeo. I will be eternally grateful if you can make me have a unlimited access and my texts being delivered, I will appreciate it. The German-speaking community remains the largest community but not the majority. But the instructions are limited and in many cases it is not user-friendly.


Analytical Cookies. December Cookie Consent We, and carefully selected third parties, use Cookies on our Website. Screenshots iPhone iPad. They can be joined only by invitation. App Store Preview. We, and carefully selected third parties, use cookies on our Website. Share your photos in the Group Album. Cookie Consent We, and carefully selected third parties, use Cookies on our Website. Jan 23, Version 3. Privacy practices may vary, for example, based on the features you use or your age.

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