Gente de la tia juana

I dont post Corridos to glorify narcos or to promote the music, I post them because I believe that through corridos we can get an idea of the type or person, or their background, even though I know that some of them exaggerate the stories. Wachito keep up the awesome work saludos Carnal en armas, De gente de la tia juana soldado a otro. Sorry but whatever bro.

After all they don't get involved in the crap when the bullets are flying, smells like friendly fire is taking care of the mexican governmet melitary farces, making them look stupid or impotent, to further "General Zaius" goals of sending bad hombres to mexico, "AND TAKE THE OIL". Time has proven that the type of narcos that gangbangers and fans of publicity loving thugs say they "have respect" have a career span of months and years at best. This guys are trained militarys they even taking out marines sinaloas are some real sicarios no wonder mencho is scared to take over sinaloa he will be sent back to Michiaocan in a body bag. Good evening Officer one day it only takes time right. It's not ecomically viable to take over another state,it costs to much money and people. Your father's know this very well. It's best to buy the people and let the locals run their nation while you just manage it.

Gente de la tia juana

Originalmente, varios comercios y cantinas ocuparon las primeras vialidades que eran cercanas al camino que llevaba hacia el pueblo de San Diego. En junio las fuerzas federales de Francisco I. Bowman, y James N. Los principales clientes de los juegos azar eran los artistas de la Colonia de Hollywood. A partir de las confusas circunstancias de este hecho y el posterior fusilamiento del soldado, nace la leyenda urbana de Juan Soldado. En , Baja California se convierte de territorio a estado libre y soberano. El 1 de mayo de , inicia sus funciones el primer ayuntamiento de la ciudad de Tijuana. Dichos concejos fueron encabezados por priistas. El 16 de noviembre finalmente llegaron a Tijuana. Contenidos mover a la barra lateral ocultar. Leer Editar Ver historial. Herramientas Herramientas.

I can't see something like that happening in the US, law enforcement here regularly goes after Mafia figures.


I dont post Corridos to glorify narcos or to promote the music, I post them because I believe that through corridos we can get an idea of the type or person, or their background, even though I know that some of them exaggerate the stories. Wachito keep up the awesome work saludos Carnal en armas, De un soldado a otro. Sorry but whatever bro. When you post a corrido you are promoting that crap. Can you upload some Tropa Chicana or Banda Machos so the michoacanos can dance while they type? Lol, jk. These corridos are trash. Is all good wachito, no need to explain your self.

Gente de la tia juana

After all they don't get involved in the crap when the bullets are flying, smells like friendly fire is taking care of the mexican governmet melitary farces, making them look stupid or impotent, to further "General Zaius" goals of sending bad hombres to mexico, "AND TAKE THE OIL". Time has proven that the type of narcos that gangbangers and fans of publicity loving thugs say they "have respect" have a career span of months and years at best. This guys are trained militarys they even taking out marines sinaloas are some real sicarios no wonder mencho is scared to take over sinaloa he will be sent back to Michiaocan in a body bag. Good evening Officer one day it only takes time right. It's not ecomically viable to take over another state,it costs to much money and people.

Diet thesaurus

Those are just the stories that are coming out ese. If Mini Lic got hit, the war will go deep! Ivan has had problems with Chino Antrax, Damasos for a while. This especially angered Damaso and was basically the last straw hence the shootouts that have been happening lately. He asked for her support. Nah, it's called a ambush. Got it from a very credible source that's connected to Damaso people Gives the impression los Damasos are on high alert at the moment. Lives in South Gate Sinaloa is already ahead! Also the Zetas never took over Michoacan the people that did were Michoacanos under the banner of the Gulf Cartel later on the zetas and Carlos Rosales we all know how he ended up.


Ni mazatlan va a tomar el mencho no pisara sinaloa. El Sol de Tijuana. El 16 de noviembre finalmente llegaron a Tijuana. Send us information, video and pictures, you remain anonymous. The village changed bad-people ownership 4 times in that 3 years. En tramapalipass puro pinchi gato tambien, todos los pinchis narcos son una bola de pendejos ignorantes, en la etiqueta deberia decir "usese y tirese". Vice also produces some good material on Mexico and the drug trade. Keep dreaming michoacacas menso the tweak will never EVER control sinaloa stop commenting nonsence. Menso will be in the states soon Sinaloa 1 Has and will always be. One of the Ayalas was one of them.

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