german flag colors hex

German flag colors hex

This color combination was created by user Keshav Naidu. Note: English language names are approximate equivalents of the hexadecimal color codes.

The national flag of Germany is a tricolour consisting of three equal horizontal bands displaying the national colours of Germany : black , red , and gold German : Schwarz-Rot-Gold [ de ]. The flag was also used by the German Empire from to It was officially adopted as the national flag of the German Reich during the period of the Weimar Republic from to , and has been in use since its reintroduction in Federal Republic of Germany in Since the midth century, Germany has two competing traditions of national colours, black-red-gold and black-white-red. Black-red-gold were the colours of the Revolutions , the Weimar Republic of — and the Federal Republic since

German flag colors hex


From tothe separate West and East German teams used their respective national flags. Ralf April 13th, Hell, your German description is awful wrong!


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German flag colors hex

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Flags of Germany. When the German ambassador protested, US officials responded that the German national flag had not been harmed, only a political party symbol. After this point, these colours continued to be used as the flag of Austria until When the black—red—gold tricolour was adopted by the Weimar Republic as its flag, it was attacked by conservatives , monarchists , and the far right , who referred to the colours with spiteful nicknames such as Schwarz—Rot—Gelb black—red—yellow or even Schwarz—Rot—Senf black—red—mustard. The black-white-red tricolour remained the flag of Germany until the end of the German Empire in , in the final days of World War I. The symbols of Imperial Germany became symbols of monarchist and nationalist protest and were often used by monarchist and nationalist organisations e. The question regarding what flag should be adopted by the new confederation was first raised by the shipping sector and its desire to have an internationally recognisable identity. West of the Oder—Neisse line , the German states were reorganised along the lines of the zones of occupation , and new state governments were established. Election days for the Bundestag and the European Parliament are also flag days in some states, in addition to other state-specific flag days. From the early 15th century, a double-headed eagle was used. Taking the colours of the banner of the Holy Roman Emperor, the flag of the Austrian Empire was black and gold. Vexillology rarely distinguishes between gold and yellow; in heraldry , they are both Or. The national flag of Germany is a tricolour consisting of three equal horizontal bands displaying the national colours of Germany : black , red , and gold German : Schwarz-Rot-Gold [ de ]. It kept these colours until the revolution of —

The European flag has 2 primary colors , which are blue and yellow.

See Article 45 in German. In addition to the national German flag black-red-gold tricolour which was adopted in , the country has another set of three colors — black, white and red — and these were used in the flag of the German Empire created by unifying the country in Retrieved 2 March Article Talk. After this point, these colours continued to be used as the flag of Austria until One reason may have been the " Bremen incident" of 26 July , in which a group of demonstrators in New York City boarded the ocean liner SS Bremen , tore the Nazi Party flag from the jackstaff , and tossed it into the Hudson River. Sign in Dont have account? In the Reichswehr , the old colours continued to be used in various forms. By using SchemeColor. See also: Reichskriegsflagge and Flag of the German Empire. Create one. This choice was based on the use of these colours by the National Committee for a Free Germany , [54] a German anti- Nazi organisation that operated in the Soviet Union in the last two years of the war.

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