Girlsday radar

Once a year - on the last Thursday in April - Girls' Day takes place and we are part girlsday radar it! We ronettes cd our doors to give girls an insight into our exciting industry and possibly motivate them to pursue a career in the games industry. Matching workshops then provide a real hands-on experience. Registration is via the radar on the official Girls' Day website, girlsday radar.

Female school students in grades 5 to 10 in all schools have the opportunity to take a look at a number of interesting work and career fields, that they may not have been aware of before then. RWTH Aachen, in collaboration with the University Hospital, also provides participating students with the opportunity to get a taste of everyday work life at its different institutes, chairs, and workshops through different projects and workshops. This gives the girls the chance to experience first hand what a job in technology or technology-related fields is like. These offer excellent employment opportunities, as there is a lack of qualified candidates. Anna Berglar. This website uses technically necessary cookies to offer the best possible functionality.

Girlsday radar

WhatsApp starten. Wenn du dies nicht verstehst oder damit nicht einverstanden bist, nutze bitte unsere Hotline. Every year technical enterprises, enterprises with technical departments and technical training facilities, universities, and research centres are invited to organise an open day for girls — Girls'Day. Girls'Day — 'Future Prospects for Girls' initiated a large campaign in which a wide range of professions and activities is presented to girls of 10 years upwards. The vocational choices of girls are influenced in a very positive way. For companies, Girls'Day has evolved as an important instrument of their recruitment policy. Girls'Day encourages the surroundings of the young women — i. Information material, an all-embracing interactive website and an individual advisory service provide support for all target groups. The campaign includes a scientific evaluation. Due to the nationwide focus and the uniform date, Girls'Day concentrates regional limited individual initiatives and achieves a unique broad effect. It is considered the largest career orientation project for female students. In recent years there has been a significant increase in female professionals in technical fields.

The evaluation shows an opening for gender-specific aspects of vocational orientation and an increased awareness of gender mainstreaming in companies and schools which have taken part several times, girlsday radar.

With "Insights into Climate Research", we want to offer 16 girls the opportunity to learn more about the work of climate researchers. In addition to learning fascinating aspects of climate science, scientists will be on hand to answer questions. A lecture will give the girls an introduction to the topic of climate science and climate models, a tool scientists use to conduct climate research. Afterwards, they will visit the supercomputer and data archives at DKRZ. Using a web browser, the girls will be able to run and slightly modify small pre-written programs on the supercomputer and interactively explore, for example, the global significance of forest fires using satellite data. They will get to view the wind tunnel and go up to the roof of the Geomatikum building to see the measuring instruments that scientists use to collect data.

Dazu wird um Ihre Einwilligung in die statistische Erfassung von Nutzungsinformationen gebeten. Die Einwilligung kann jederzeit widerrufen werden. Erfassung von Kennzahlen zur Webanalyse, um das Angebot www. Die Einwilligung kann auf der Datenschutzseite jederzeit widerrufen werden. Matomo wird lokal auf den Servern des technischen Dienstleisters, der ]init[ AG, in Deutschland betrieben Auftragsverarbeiter.

Girlsday radar

Here you can find an overview of our program. You can sign up for a workshop via the Girls'Day Radar. Wir wollen euch Einblicke geben in aktuelle Forschungsthemen und euch zeigen wie spannend und wichtig Informatik ist. Wir erkunden gemeinsam mit Euch, wie sich virtuelle Assistenten im Laufe der vergangenen beiden Jahrzehnte gewandelt haben. Im Rahmen dieses Workshops wollen wir gemeinsam mit Euch hinter die Kulissen von virtuellen Assistenten blicken. Wir freuen uns auf dich!

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This website uses technically necessary cookies to offer the best possible functionality. Meanwhile, Girls'Day or similar actions take place in more than twenty different countries. Since there is also a Girls'Day held in Ethiopia, Africa. Matching workshops then provide a real hands-on experience. A network of more than Girls'Day working groups — regional alliances of assets from chambers, employer associations, trade unions, equality bodies, employment agencies and many other facilities — is committed to the girls' future. In recent years there has been a significant increase in female professionals in technical fields. Media resonance Each year an average of 3, detailed reports in print, 6, online media products, more than television and radio articles about the Girls'Day are counted. Accept cookies Manage cookies. International Girls'Day Meanwhile, Girls'Day or similar actions take place in more than twenty different countries. Back During Your Studies. Girls'Day — Future Prospects for Girls Every year technical enterprises, enterprises with technical departments and technical training facilities, universities, and research centres are invited to organise an open day for girls — Girls'Day. Services Other Portals.


This website uses technically necessary cookies to offer the best possible functionality. Girls'Day is effective In recent years there has been a significant increase in female professionals in technical fields. Back Institutions. Back Structures. Share on Xing. Do you accept the use of cookies to display and allow you to watch the video content? The girls should thus have as many options as possible in mind when they have to decide on their next steps after school. July 4, The vocational choices of girls are influenced in a very positive way. Back Faculties and Institutions.

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