gm igor smirnov rating

Gm igor smirnov rating

I started to play chess at the age 8. After a year of training, I attained the First category and won a local championship among schoolboys. I enjoyed the game and my rating increased quite quickly.

The Chess Tempo Chess Database provides over two million searchable chess games. The database can be searched via many criteria, including chess players, chess opening, player ratings, game result, and the year the chess game was played. Chess opening statistics can been viewed on the display to the right of the board. To search the chess database, either enter your criteria into the quick search box or use the advanced search by clicking on the advanced search label. To see the chess games in the database for the current position, click on the "Games for Position" tab. By default, the database only shows chess games where both players were rated over , you can change the database subset using the database selector at the top of the page. There is also a non-searchable HTML only game list , but most users will want to use the main game database page.

Gm igor smirnov rating


My chess results then became much better — I increased my rating toand at the young age of 20 became an International Grandmaster.


As I said earlier, thousands of students like YOU have already studied these courses and have made huge progress in their game. Some of them even went on to become titled players. I am a player that usually have a performance of in tournaments and a rating of I was one of the few players without a title and I won my first title at the age of 14! Apart from this tournament I won a 9 game GM Norm. I now have a FIDE rating of , from just in the span of a few months; and I shared 1 st place, together with 3 Grand Masters, in an international GM tournament. I had difficulties in the endgame. It contains a lot of unique ideas, which are not presented in chess books. The course helped me to look at the chess game from another angle. Now I know what is the best style of playing and how exactly I can win even against much stronger opponents.

Gm igor smirnov rating

In addition, when you buy the package, you gain access to a special private group of study of the courses "The Grandmaster's Positional Understanding" and "Calculate Till Mate". Take a look at every single course which is inside the package. Click on each one, if you want to go to see a full description. The main idea of this course is to explain the 9 most critical differences between the amateur players and the master level players. This shows you a clear blueprint for elevating your chess performance to the next level. Learn how to read the chess board and plan like a pro. Chess is inherently a strategic game. This course gives you an integrate system of middlegame planning.

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Submit Cancel. At the age 13 after winning several international tournaments, I achieved the title of International Master. Became one of the most popular coaches on ICC a leading chess portal at that time. Comments Rating Graph Opening Stats. Geller youth — 1st place. GM Smirnov August 27, Forum Home Recent Posts. Opponent Rating:. Quick Search:. The Chess Tempo Chess Database provides over two million searchable chess games. Igor Smirnov, CEO. GM Smirnov.

Igor Smirnov is a Ukrainian grandmaster who founded a remote chess academy in Igor Smirnov was born in Ukraine in

From that time onwards, I began to think about the right way of training and improving myself. Search for: Search. Site s :. After a year of training, I attained the First category and won a local championship among schoolboys. Quick Search:. Opponent Name s :. Cookie Policy. To see the chess games in the database for the current position, click on the "Games for Position" tab. Email Igor Smirnov. Event s :.

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