godfather wrestling

Godfather wrestling

Charles Wright May 16, is an American businessman and retired professional wrestler. After leaving the wrestling business he moved to Las Vegas, where he currently manages the strip club Cheetah's, godfather wrestling. Wright first entered professional wrestling after being noticed tending bar by wrestlers during the filming of the movie Over the Godfather wrestling. The wrestlers involved gave him the advice that, with his large body type and unique tattooed look, he should try seeking out Larry Sharpe and his Monster Factory to get into the business.

Pimpin' ain't easy! Click here to see him as Papa Shango. Wright was working as a bartender, when during the filming of Over the Top , some wrestlers who appeared in the film noted about his size and suggested he should go into wrestling. The success he had there led him to tour with New Japan Pro-Wrestling in In , via a suggestion from his friend The Undertaker , Wright signed on to the WWF, where he competed in house shows as Sir Charles, which was a play on his first name and the basketball player Charles Barkley who was nicknamed "Sir Charles". But in , he would get his first national exposure as the voodoo practitioner Papa Shango.

Godfather wrestling

Charles Wright born May 16, , better known under his ring name The Godfather , is an American retired professional wrestler. He is best known for his tenure with the World Wrestling Federation throughout the s and early s, and underwent several gimmick changes; the most notable were Papa Shango , Kama , Kama Mustafa , The Godfather and The Goodfather. Wright first entered professional wrestling after being noticed tending to a bar by wrestlers during the filming of the movie Over the Top. The wrestlers involved gave him the advice that, with his large body type and unique tattooed look, he should try seeking out Larry Sharpe and his Monster Factory to get into the business. The character was hardly used and never developed, and even when talking about it later Wright only remembers wearing robes he purchased from another wrestler to the ring. In January , he was repackaged as a heel by the name of "Papa Shango", a horror-themed voodoo practitioner with an appearance reminiscent of the loa , Baron Samedi , as depicted in the film Live and Let Die. The Shango character debuted on the February 8, , edition of Superstars , defeating enhancement talent Dale Wolfe. The finish was supposed to be Sid getting disqualified because of Shango breaking up the pinfall attempt by Hogan after he hit the big leg drop. Because Shango was late, Sid kicked out of the legdrop to save the angle. Sid's manager, Harvey Wippleman then jumped on the apron, and the referee signaled for the disqualification at that point as Shango was just getting to the ring.

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Fightful has been reporting all the latest breaking news from the wrestling world since Ads have played a big part in being able to keep our content free for all to enjoy. Please consider allowing ads on our site, and help continue to support Fightful. His run as The Godfather during the Attitude Era was particularly memorable. Wright was inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame in , and he has continued to make appearances for the company over the years.

Godfather wrestling

The Godfather Charles Wright went through many strange gimmicks throughout his decade-plus wrestling career. Despite the mixed reaction to some of his gimmicks, The Godfather is a WWE Hall of Famer who managed to pick up two separate championships over the years. While he won one title under his most popular gimmick, he won another under a slight variation of that same gimmick. The Godfather appeared for WWE for quite a while, but any kind of serious momentum managed to elude him.

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Bob Orton, Jr. He wrestled briefly at house shows as Sir Charles, a play on both his real name and the nickname of National Basketball Association player Charles Barkley. Retrieved April 3, He would even get tag-team gold teaming with Buchanan, before the stable folded due to the Invasion angle of In January , he was repackaged as Papa Shango , a voodoo practitioner with an appearance reminiscent of the Loa Baron Samedi. Viscera dropped the proposal and dumped Garcia for The Godfather's hos. The finish was supposed to be Sid getting disqualified because of Shango breaking up the pinfall attempt by Hogan after he hit the big leg drop. He has two previous marriages. Retrieved July 21, He became an immediate part of the stable's feud with The Undertaker , stealing the Undertaker's signature urn at April's WrestleMania XI then having it melted down and formed into a necklace, only to lose it back to him at August's SummerSlam. Two days later, Pimp Fatha wrestled his last match on the tour and was defeated by Sean Morley. Instead he returned as Kama, now billed under his full name, Kama Mustafa , with less emphasis on his shoot fighting background. Apple Podcasts Podcast. Shango would linger around the mid-card before leaving in to a return at the USWA and a brief stint at Catch Wrestling Association. A year later on December 16, , he returned as Kama and defeated Viktor Kruuger.

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WWE Hall of Fame inductees. Viscera dropped the proposal and dumped Garcia for The Godfather's hos. This didn't come to fruition. During the autumn of , there were rumors that the Papa Shango character would be brought back to participate in a storyline involving Bob Backlund , wherein Shango's voodoo spells would explain the traditionally good-natured Backlund's erratic and heel behavior. The History of WWE. Larry Sharpe [9]. Hollywood Voodoo : Papa Shango would torture his foes with his voodoo powers, making them sick. My wife. Wright made an appearance as The Godfather at the Royal Rumble as entrant Fuji and Mr. Charles Wright May 16, is an American businessman and retired professional wrestler. The wrestlers involved gave him the advice that, with his large body type and unique tattooed look, he should try seeking out Larry Sharpe and his Monster Factory to get into the business.

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