gods eye viego

Gods eye viego

The Tournament of Souls event update is one of the best to arrive in League of Legends for a long time.

League of League has a new metagame called Tournament of Souls, in which you get to battle different opponents as Samira. There are ten opponents that you have to defeat in order to win the championship and unlock rewards. Viego is one of the most challenging bosses in Tournament of Souls, but here's how I managed to defeat him. Firstly, equip the following set of skills for your character before beginning the battle with Viego in the expert mode:. Veigo can be defeated if you span the basic combo attacks. These consecutive ultimate attacks should bring Veigo's health down significantly. After that, you'll only need two to three abilities to defeat him and win the round.

Gods eye viego

Want to contribute to this wiki? Sign up for an account, and get started! You can even turn off ads in your preferences. Come join the LoL Wiki community Discord server! The Tournament of Souls is a fighting game-style metagame in League of Legends telling the story of Samira's rise to fame in the Tournament of Souls. Tournament of Souls. By Taylor Dinwiddie , Ty Sheedlo. Play League of Legends to build Samira's reputation and style on your competition at the Tournament of Souls! Mentioned: Isolde. This seamstress' deadly blend of offense and defense puts all of her foes on their toes because this fighter can heal , peel, AND conceal herself from danger! Keep an eye out for her mist because she's sure to resist anything you throw at her! Gwen: I detest violence. These tools of mine awoke to help others. But if I must get through you to achieve my dream

Have your eye on the prize, yes? Image via Riot Games. Soul Juice is totally legit!


The Tournament of Souls event update is one of the best to arrive in League of Legends for a long time. Since its launch, I have been in love with the game mode due to its in-depth combat mechanics that constantly require you to test and customize your loadouts according to the gameplay style of your enemy, keeping the gameplay fresh and unique instead of simply smashing the buttons. On that note, if you have reached the final stage. But if you are struggling to defeat the extremely punishing God's Eye Viego character, you have come to the right page. To beat God's Eye Viego character in Tournaments of Soul, you must equip the Blade Drain ability and try to out-heal his insane damage-based attacks. Before entering into a battle with God's Eye Viego, equip the following loadout:. Related : How to beat expert Gwen — Tournament of Souls.

Gods eye viego

When Viego siphons you your health bar turns purple , use your R and then your Q immediately since it crits so that you can get more health back, then spam your abilities as before. Note that, your R refreshes your cooldowns so spam your abilities before using your R as you can quickly cast them again. When Sett or Lux come into play make sure to Q them when they lift their shield as their abilities can kill you fast and surely. The Tournament of Souls mini-game will be available during the Soul Fighter event, which ends on August 28th. You can see the full list of Tournament of Souls rewards here. Follow our social media for memes and news on Facebook and Twitter.

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Your intermission, delightful. Not that Sett's muscle isn't natural. Public Beta. No, Sommer. I possess true power. That thing you fought An anonymous follower just DM'd me. Shaco: Not all puppets have strings, mmMmMmmM. If someone's in my way, they either move, or I make them move. Felt the need to clarify. She's pretty much DEMA's most notorious torturer. After beating God's Eye Viego Uh And not just to the radio! I know some viewers are thinking: "Hey, isn't this tournament 1v1? This is my moment!

Out of all the other fighters you face, this main-eventer is insanely tough to beat. However, that does not make him completely invincible. For your reference, here are the best abilities along with some tips and tricks to defeat this fighter for good.

This seamstress' deadly blend of offense and defense puts all of her foes on their toes because this fighter can heal , peel, AND conceal herself from danger! I don't think anyone saw that coming. Wait, that's it! Samira: It's not my fault your necromancer friend couldn't cut it. These consecutive ultimate attacks should bring Veigo's health down significantly. Samira: Aw, Jhin. Soul Juice is totally legit! But, ensure to line up your Q while he uses his Scythe. It will bring you to me!!! Just watching

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