grand moff rank

Grand moff rank

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Master Qui-Gon , more to say, have you? It is requested that this article, or a section of this article, be expanded. See the request on the listing or on this article's talkpage. Once the improvements have been completed, you may remove this notice and the page's listing. No reason has been supplied; please provide a reason on the template or talkpage. Grand Moff was a political and military title in the hierarchy of the Galactic Empire. Grand Moff was first given to the regional governors of oversectors , also called Priority Sectors , were locations that were of special interest, such as Coruscant and the Death Star.

Grand moff rank

The Empire in Star Wars is a vast churning machine spanning large swathes of the galaxy. Its fleets are filled with those of a singleminded coldness to assert order and control over other worlds. Enrolling other planets into the iron grip of their organization with glee. Its ranks are numerous, and there are a multitude of names, but one of the highest is the title of Moff. Four little letters asserted at the start of an individual's name come with a lot of power and influence but are near impossible to attain for those of a lower station. Though it may sound odd, the title of Moff is essentially a political rank held within the Empire. It basically means Space Governor for a system of planets within the territory of the Empire and later First Order. It's a rank bestowed to only a few, as it takes quite a cruel and calculating mind to rise up far within this cutthroat organization's ranks. It also says a lot about the ego of the person eyeing up this particular seat as they're given full reign of multiple worlds and the billions that dwell upon them. Only those obsessed with power last long in this particular place of employment. The most iconic of these ladder-climbing villains was Moff Tarkin , who was in charge of the original Death Star weapon before it exploded.

He appeared in Otherspacegrand moff rank, an grand moff rank role-playing game by West End Games in Thousands of years before its use by the Galactic Empire, the title found in use in the Sith Empire in the years during and following the Great Galactic Waralthough it seemed that under the Sith it was only an honorary title. Appearing in The MandalorianGideon acts as the antagonist for the majority of the first season and the back half of the third.

Log in or Sign up. Jedi Council Forums. Registered: Oct 4, What's a higher rank. StarWarLover , Oct 4,

Grand Moff Wilhuff Tarkin is a fictional character in the Star Wars franchise, introduced as the main antagonist of the original Star Wars film [a] although he has less screen time than his iconic subordinate Darth Vader , in which he was played by Peter Cushing. In the film, Tarkin is depicted as a high-ranking officer of the Galactic Empire , placed in charge of the operations on the Death Star , the Empire's moon —sized battle station. He orders the destruction of the planet Alderaan by the station's superlaser, and dies at the end of the film when the Death Star is destroyed by Luke Skywalker. He is also the protagonist of the novel Tarkin , which details the character's backstory and rise to power within the Empire's ranks. In the novel, Tarkin advocates for the Tarkin Doctrine , a military system based on "the threat of force, rather than force itself". His philosophy becomes central to Imperial policy and earns him the position of the first Grand Moff in the Empire.

Grand moff rank

In the world of Star Wars , there are a vast number of planets, hierarchies, monarchies and armies. There are so many of these organizations that sometimes the terminology used to describe ranks and officials can get a bit confusing. For example, there are a few characters with the title "Grand Moff " — but what exactly is that? The most well-known Grand Moff is actually the very first person to earn that rank: Wilhuff Tarkin. During the fall of the Jedi and the rise of the Empire, Tarkin was a favorite of Palpatine's and promoted him from Admiral to Moff. A Moff is the governor of a sector of the galaxy.

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Star Wars: Tarkin explores the title character's origins, and chronicles how he meets and aligns himself with Emperor Palpatine and Darth Vader prior to the events of A New Hope. It surely isn't Vader. Sith Galactic Empire First Order. The few Moffs and Grand Moffs that remained held largely ceremonial titles, and ultimately those titles, like so many of the remnants of the ancient Republic, were swept away during the Ruusan Reformation ca. Business Insider. After all, the ranks of the Moffs are filled with some very power-hungry people. Registered: Oct 4, See the request on the listing or on this article's talkpage. Entertainment Weekly. Many troopers, officers, and other rank and file Imperials died in the attempt, which ended in his own death at the hands of Gauer, an assassin he employed. He appeared in Otherspace , an early role-playing game by West End Games in Or should I say Grand Moff Tarkin. Only those obsessed with power last long in this particular place of employment.

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This indicated that the Grand Moff possessed a rank in the military higher than even that of an Admiral or General in the Imperial armed forces. Grand Moff Trioculous is a Moff who emerged in Legends continuity. Star Wars: The Bad Batch. Moffs in general were commanders of entire sectors, which comprised of numerous star systems. Whether through sheer cunning and skill, luck, or just knowing the right Dark Lord, they've managed to attain 'Moff-hood. Prisoners to the Citadel, Tarkin and Piell are freed from captivity by a rescue team. Presumably, this is the result of Imperial expansion. Start a Wiki. I believe Tarkin was the commander of the military. While the Empire as a whole was either routed, defeated, or surrendering, Pandion refused and went down fighting , more or less.

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