greek movies i gi tis elias

Greek movies i gi tis elias

Pantelis Tsompanis April 7th, Greek cinema has a long history, and interested viewers have a wide variety of options to suit their tastes. Thanks to the English subtitling available on YouTube, you can now access 1v1.aim of the finest Greek films of the last quarter-century from any of your media devices.

Greek movies and TV shows — page 5. View all. My Family and Other Animals 7. Silent Road 7. List of greek movies. Subscribe for New and Better Recommendations. The First Olympics: Athens

Greek movies i gi tis elias


Audience: teens, date night. Style: psychological, captivating, suspenseful.


Sign In. Edit I gi tis elias —. Series Directed by Giorgos Evangelou Chaido Stefanea episodes, Paschalis Tsarouhas Stathis Kapernaros episodes, Dionysis Papandreou Filippos Stefaneas episodes, Antigone Kouloukakos Ioulia Vrettakou episodes, Antzela Gerekou Athina Nomikou episodes, Tasos Iordanidis

Greek movies i gi tis elias

Three powerful families of Mani are involved in a cycle of blood, hatred, and revenge. In the rugged land of olives, a revenge trap sets to love. Sign In Sign In. New Customer? Create account. Episode guide. I gi tis elias TV Series —.

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Duration: 98 min. Style: anthology. Time: 19th century, s, s, victorian era. Genre: Comedy. My Family and Other Animals Style: psychological, captivating, suspenseful. Do Not Forget Me Istanbul Style: captivating, suspenseful, psychological, thrilling, romantic. Plot: friendship, odd couple, team, racist, weirdo, roommate, cousin cousin relationship, newspaper, greek, fish out of water, problem solving, partner Plot: gay, superhero, lgbt, gays and lesbians, mythology, soldier, first gay sexual experience, cross dressing, peace, identity, greek, ancient


His roommate is a Place: washington d. Plot: couples, age difference, love interest, age-gap relationship, fall in love, male female relationship, relationship problems, older woman younger man, couple relations, relationships, social problems, family problems Plot: gay, superhero, lgbt, gays and lesbians, mythology, soldier, first gay sexual experience, cross dressing, peace, identity, greek, ancient Story: A woman returns to her hometown with another identity seeking revenge against the four men that raped her 17 years ago. After its great success, two mini-series sequels followed, and there are rumours that the second of these will soon be available on the Netflix platform as well. Story: BC, Sparta and Athens are in a endless war, but Lisistrata, a beautiful woman has an idea to stop the fight, and convinces all the women to do it: no sex until there is peace. Plot: rich, violence, debauchery, student life, university, friends, social relations, spoiled brat, hedonism, society, eccentricity, stereotypes However, they have a completely different philosophy of life. Editor's Pick the leigh fermors: a dazzling romance with greece. Story: Yianni Martakis, a sailor immigrant in New York City, is on a mission to find and kill the man who raped his sister. Editor's Pick. Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny

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